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Is Minitest supported "out of the box" like Rspec is? #603

Closed leesmith closed 1 week ago

leesmith commented 5 months ago

I'm using Minitest in a Rails 7.1 app and I was expecting to be able to call navigation commands like :Etest models<Tab> and it work exactly like Rspec navigation commands, :Espec models<Tab> but that's not the case. Why is that? I'm seeing the related test projections in the code but what about my project or setup is preventing them from working? Many thanks!

tpope commented 1 week ago

There's no :Etest, just :Eunittest, :Efunctionaltest, etc. This dates back to the days when rails used test/unit/, test/functional/ etc. The commands support the the new directory structure while using the old names. I didn't rename them because having both :Emodel and :Emodeltest makes tab completion very annoying.

tpope commented 1 week ago

I never liked having :Espec as a catchall, but given that it exists, :Etest would make sense. Though the implementation of :Espec has some weird special casing and I'm not sure how that translates: