tpope / vim-rails

rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools
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Can't load Rails project when open Vim with a directory #606

Open ThanhKhoaIT opened 1 month ago

ThanhKhoaIT commented 1 month ago

My context: (use NERDTree plugin) Step 1. Goto project folder (Ex: cd ~/project/demo-app) Step 2. Open vim with vim . (filetype=nerdtree) "." is a directory

I can't use the command (:Vmodel, :Vcontroller, etc...)

PS. I checked the rails loaded status with the command :echo rails#app() => the output is {}. But I workaround with the command line is vim in Step 2, to open Vim without a file/directory.

Can we add support for this case? Change to autocmd FileType netrw,nerdtree in