tpope / vim-repeat

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
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remappings in autoload #40

Closed Konfekt closed 9 years ago

Konfekt commented 9 years ago

If vim-repeat would define its functions in /autoload and mappings in /plugin then keys overriden by vim-repeat could be remapped in .vimrc (for example <ctrl-r>).

This way, the first call of repeat#set() will override those keys overriden by vim-repeat. This happens for example the first time the user uses a mapping made repeatable by vim-repeat (by a plugin say).

How about if vim-repeat defines its mappings in /plugin (like most plugins do) and thus allow the user to map those keys? This way, an artifical silent! call repeat#set("\<key>",1) before these mappings is no longer needed (which also defeats the autoload functionality).

This relates to and

tpope commented 9 years ago

You can runtime! autoload/repeat.vim yourself if you want that. Or define your overrides in after/autoload/repeat.vim. Splitting the file seems like a very tiny gain in override convenience, in exchange for a small loss in installation convenience. I don't think I'm on board.

Konfekt commented 9 years ago

Thanks for making me aware of after/autoload/repeat.vim! NB: The keys then have to be remapped twice, in .vimrc and in after/autoload/repeat.vim. (The first option runtime! autoload/repeat.vim defeats the point of autoload.)

Where is the current gain in installation convenience, would it not remain cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git:// either way (and equally so for all other common installation methods)?

At the same time, the various issues relating to this one as well as kana's fork at show that the loss in user convenience by having to set your mappings in runtime! autoload/repeat.vim (a solution hardly anybody knows about) is greater than acknowledged.

tpope commented 9 years ago

Wait, ignoring everything else, how does moving them to a plugin solve anything? Plugins still load after your vimrc.

Konfekt commented 9 years ago

Just checked, true. I put those in a after\vimrc.vim sourced on VimEnter.

Still, this would be in compliance with most other plugins, and Joe Schmo knew how to deal with it. One solution would be that vim-repeat checks for remappings, which it could also do in autoload but only does so for U. As a compromise, how about mapping all keys by <plug>... mappings and only if <plug>... is not already mapped?

My approach was to use

execute 'nnoremap <script> <SID>CtrlR '.(maparg('<C-R>','n') == "" ?
        \ '<C-R>' : maparg('<C-R>', 'n'))
nmap U <SID>CtrlR
nnoremap <c-r> <c-l>

in after/vimrc.vim but then noticed that it fails after the first call of repeat#set(...).

I was over-hasty in my enthusiam about after/autoload/repeat.vim which I considered a sound workaround. Can you check if that works for you? Here it has no effect:

There is nnoremap <C-R> <C-L> in ~/.vim/after/autoload/repeat.vim, but :verb nmap <c-r> shows

n  <C-R>       * :<C-U>call repeat#wrap("\<C-R>",v:count)<CR>
    Last set from ~/.config/.vim/plugged/vim-repeat/autoload/repeat.vim

after repeat#set(...). Perhaps a autocmd SourceCmd repeat.vim source <file> | ... construct is needed?

Konfekt commented 9 years ago

For short, if vim-surround used <plug>... mappings, and only if <plug>... is not already mapped, then overriding would be more convenient.

tpope commented 9 years ago

You can add the check for remappings if you want. That's still not an argument in favor of splitting out a plugin.

To address other points: