tpope / vim-repeat

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
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can you take the surround.vim for example? #5

Closed googya closed 12 years ago

googya commented 12 years ago

oh it is too difficult to follow your instructions to get repeat.vim work. can you take the surround.vim for example? explain how to write the silent call script code, how them work with each other! It got me a little headache!!!

DSIW commented 12 years ago

Hello Tim, I'm not sure, if your plugin is correct installed. I tried your plugin with surround.vim, but I haven't got it yet. Thank's!

tpope commented 12 years ago

Check :runtime! autoload/repeat.vim|echo exists('*repeat#set'). If it returns 1, it's installed correctly. The stuff about silent calling and all that jazz is only if you're writing your own plugin.