tpope / vim-repeat

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
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fugitive-vim, vim-unimpaired and vim-repeat (repeat of `]q` not working) #54

Closed patrickdavey closed 8 years ago

patrickdavey commented 8 years ago

I am trying to step through the history of a file in a git repo, and I expected the following to work for me:

  1. Open the file in vim
  2. Type :Glog to load the git history of the file into quickfix (works)
  3. Type ]q to step to the next version of the file (works)
  4. Type . to step again to the next version of the file (doesn't work)

I might be misunderstanding whether vim-repeat is supposed to work with vim-unimpaired, but it was my assumption that the steps above would work.

What does happen is that command mode is started and I get a command line like the following: (browsing my .vimrc)

: 477eeb94566ddba99aec929f33afa563b5c29624:.vimrc

So it looks like it's trying.. just can't do it. Not quite sure whether this issue should be on here or on fugitive.vim so happy to move it around if needs be.

I also pared my .vimrc back to just pathogen, and the plugins to just those three, no difference. I also got a couple of friends to try and they saw the same behaviour.

Happy to have a go at fixing it if I could have a pointer in the right direction!

tpope commented 8 years ago

. is to repeat a change, not any arbitrary command.