tpope / vim-repeat

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
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Repeating with vim-surround not working properly #76

Closed kkoomen closed 4 years ago

kkoomen commented 4 years ago

Current behavior


<span class="test">
   <!--cursor-here-->Lorem ipsum.

<span class="test">
  Lorem ipsum.

When pressing cst<div it will change the first item correctly. If I go to the second <span> it will remove all the attributes.


<div class="test">
   Lorem ipsum.

  Lorem ipsum.

Expected behavior

<div class="test">
  Lorem ipsum.

<div class="test">
  Lorem ipsum.
tpope commented 4 years ago

Repeat doesn't even know what HTML is, it's definitely not the plugin to blame here.

kkoomen commented 4 years ago

I didn't say it knows what html is. Your plugin it to blame for it, because apparently it doesn't seem to mimmick cst< in the correct way, otherwise the result would be the same.

tpope commented 4 years ago

Repeat just repeats what Surround tells it to repeat. If it's repeating the wrong thing it was told the wrong thing.

P.S. take that "your plugin is to blame for it" and shove it up your ass.