tpope / vim-repeat

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."
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vim-repeat+vim-speeddating: repeats previous-previous action after undo #86

Open strottie opened 3 years ago

strottie commented 3 years ago

I've got vim-speeddating and vim-repeat loaded and find that undo followed by repeat does not repeat the correct action.


  1. in normal mode, A0<ESC>.
  2. . appends 0's, as expected.
  3. ^A increments the number
  4. . repeats the increment
  5. u undos the last increment
  6. . now appends 0's again, instead of the last increment action.

With vanilla vim, step 6 repeats the increment action.

michelesr commented 1 year ago

Same happens with vim-surround, if you press u then you can't use . anymore after to repeat an action (e.g. cs"')