tpope / vim-speeddating

speeddating.vim: use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more
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dev/add-subsecond-specifiers #2

Closed mathstuf closed 13 years ago

mathstuf commented 14 years ago

Add %L and %N specifiers similar to Ruby[1]. Python uses %f for milliseconds[2]. Should this be supported as well?

[1] [2]

tpope commented 14 years ago

Can you elaborate on your motives for this? For complete functionality, d<C-A> and d<C-X> (which set the time under the cursor to the current time) need to be hooked up, So, if you're really after milliseconds, I'd sooner leave off nanoseconds. I don't think I've ever cared about anything more precise than microseconds. Ever.

According to that link and confirmed interactively, Python's %f actually does microseconds, not milliseconds. Which is good, because Ruby has only the awkward %6N which is incompatible with our gimped strftime.

tpope commented 14 years ago

I meant to explicitly state that Vim only provides microsecond time precision, meaning that d<C-A> and d<C-X> would have to zero-pad a nanosecond field. Not the end of the world, mind you, but I'd rather avoid it unless nanoseconds really are crucial.

If I don't here back in the next week or so, I'll probably tackle adapting this to microseconds myself.

mathstuf commented 14 years ago

Ah. Misread the millisecond/microsecond detail. My motivation was the editing of subtitle files which have millisecond precision and I had to offset chapters by the previous chapter times. Making a macro to decrease the times reliably made things go a lot faster.

mathstuf commented 13 years ago

Working on microseconds now.

mathstuf commented 13 years ago

Hmm. I can't find how to get milliseconds from Vim. It uses the system's strftime and is therefore not portable and I don't see it in my strftime manpage. Leaving sub-second fields zero if set from "now" is fine by me.

tpope commented 13 years ago

Against all odds, I found myself editing subtitles last night, and this worked pretty well. It completely breaks d<C-X> (but not d<C-A>, bizarrely), so that needs to be fixed before it can be merged in.

Getting microseconds out of Vim is a simple matter of reltimestr(reltime()).

I'll look at this closer tomorrow or so.

tpope commented 13 years ago

Okay, after a lot of monkeying and banging my head against the wall, I've simplified to only handling milliseconds. I'll worry about microseconds and nanoseconds once there's a real use case for them. Thanks for the patch!