tposney / midi-qol

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standard roll does not work like intended #125

Open tposney opened 3 years ago

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @ParadoxGery1 on Nov 11, 2020, 08:06

tested with:

standard roll button will act like vanilla roll

the standard roll button in the inventory sheet fast forwards for me

yes the combination of packages is a compatibility risk still wanted to give a heads up as this is currently the best roll module for me and my players :-)

tposney commented 3 years ago

Hmm, not seeing that behaviour, but there are so many settings that I could esaily have missed an edge case.Can you confirm you midi-qol settings and drop me a json of the item that;s causing the problem?

Mind you, I did test 0n 0.7.7, 0.3.25, but it should not matter.

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @ParadoxGery1 on Nov 16, 2020, 03:43

hey thanks for the reply :-)

I use the Flame Blade spell from the SRD compendium If I click on the spell's icon it displays the card and rolls attack and damage and merges it to one card :thumbsup_tone1: thats what I expect

if I click on the text it opens the description and shows three buttons Standard Roll Attack Damage
clicking on either attack or damage shows the popup asking for adv/dis/normal or crit/normal this is also expected
but if I click on the standard roll it prints the card asks for adv/dis/normal then crit/normal and merges it in one card and this is not what I expect from the standard roll... I expect the card with an attack and an damage button.

I want this so my players can pop out the standard card and use the buttons to roll ongoing attacks+damage or just damage depending on the spell

other examples would be:

and yes I just tested it with 7.7 and 0.3.25

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @ParadoxGery1 on Nov 16, 2020, 03:46

also a nice improvement would be to have the Attack and Damage buttons in the sheet utilize the shift/ctrl/alt fast forward settings
of course as a configurable workflow

but this is definitely a different topic :-)

tposney commented 3 years ago

The attack and damage buttons on the sheet should use the standard dnd5e accelerator keys, so alt advantage/criticial, ctrl/cmd disadvantage, you may (or may not) need speed items rolls enabled. They did in my test.

Popped out cards are a problem. Each card is good for one attack sequence only. And popping it out cancel/invalidates the whole automation thing, so you can pop out the card and roll, but it won't trigger checking hits/applying damage etc. The intended workflow for that case is either cast without using a slot or the damage button.

For the inventory buttons (particularly standard roll) it is meant to replicate the default roll (i.e. click attack, then click damage), if its not then its a bug. I'll check flame blade, cause as I said I was seeing the behaviour I expected with weapon attacks at least.\, but did not check flame blade.

tposney commented 3 years ago

I've had a bit of a dig. It turns out that the way the dnd5e system works it is possible to do a default card for spells but not one that also auto applies damage/saves. So unless I can think of something clever the standard roll only applies to weapon attacks (which go through a different path). Otherwise the only solution is to disable auto roll damage.

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @ParadoxGery1 on Nov 20, 2020, 03:51

hm okay so for spells the damage and attack buttons from the sheet are not really usefull as you can't do scaled damage there or can you ?

tposney commented 3 years ago

Correct, attack and damage buttons case at base level always. The spell scaling is based on the options you choose when your actor does the dnd5e useSpell Action, which in turns sets up buttons for attack and damage. If you choose attack/damage you are bypassing the useSpell action.

Also, did not mention earlier that the merge-card setting overrides the standard roll button.

To be honest, the attack/damage buttons for spells are there as a short hand for the cases that a spell allows you to damage each round, but you don't want to go through the rigmarole of bypassing the cast dialog each time, but the GM will have to apply the damage via the chat damage buttons.

The buttons are also a hangover from mini-qol days where the processing of the whole attack sequence was based on processing the chat cards rather than the way midi-qol does it, so their meaning is not as well defined. For example the neither the attack or damage button initiates a midi-qol attack/dmage workflow and hence won't auto apply damage.

So, sorry for not being more help. I may revisit the whole inventory buttons thing at some point, but for me it is needs driven and we just don't use them that much in the game I DM, so it is not the highest priority for me.