tposney / midi-qol

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Spirit Guardians Sample Does Not Work #650

Closed tposney closed 1 year ago

tposney commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @MrVauxs on Jan 16, 2022, 13:28

In a dnd5e 1.5.7, V9 world the current Spirit Guardians example from the compendium no longer works. No errors in console. Active Modules include: Active-Auras, DAE, Item Macro, Midi-QOL + socketlib and libWrapper

tposney commented 2 years ago

When you say does not work, could you explain what you mean by that? Also, please export your midi-qol settings and attach them to the report

tposney commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @MrVauxs on Jan 16, 2022, 17:17

Clicking on the spell causes nothing to happen. This also includes posting it to chat. As if I never clicked anything essentially.

Will give the settings of the world I use during actual gameplay as the one I used for the testing world is no longer available.


tposney commented 2 years ago

Thanks for that - the midi settings make it much easier for me to see what might be happening.

I notice that you are using better rolls. I suspect you are running into a midi bug associated with better rolls when "Add Damage Button to Chat Card" is set in better rolls. This will be fixed in 0.8.104. To verify that this is the problem can you disable that setting in better rolls and see what happens.

It's not a v9 problem but a change I made to midi for dealing with the damage button enabled and not thinking about items with no damage.

tposney commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @MrVauxs on Jan 17, 2022, 03:10

If you mean Better Roll for 5e module, that has been disabled for quite a while now.

tposney commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @MrVauxs on Jan 17, 2022, 03:15

I will give the whole list of modules in my home game that also had that issue, but as said above, I replicated that using just the required modules (Active-Auras, DAE, Item Macro, Midi-QOL + socketlib and libWrapper).

Core Version: 9.242

System: dnd5e 1.5.7 (Atropos) 

ActiveAuras 0.3.08 (Kandashi)
CautiousGamemastersPack 0.6.0 (Alan Davies)
SharedVision 1.0.7 (CDeenen)
_chatcommands 1.4.0 (undefined)
_mathjs 7.5.1-fvtt2 (undefined)
acelib 1.3.0 (arcanist)
advanced-macros 1.13 (KaKaRoTo)
advancedspelleffects (undefined)
animated-spell-effects 0.6.8 (undefined)
animated-spell-effects-cartoon 0.1.9 (undefined)
animation-preview 1.0.3 (eXaminator)
arbron-hp-bar 2.1.2 (Jeff ‘Arbron’ Hitchcock)
autoanimations 1.2.1 (Otigon)
bean-dice 0.1.1 (coffee)
chat-images 2.5.6 (bmarian)
colorsettings 2.8.2 (ardittristan#0001)
compendium-folders 2.4.1 (Erceron)
confetti 1.0.5 (Andrew Krigline (akrigline))
dae 0.8.79 (tposney)
deprecated-modules 1.1.6 (iceman76)
df-active-lights 1.2.0 (flamewave000#0001)
df-chat-enhance 3.6.0 (flamewave000#0001)
df-qol 1.7.1 (flamewave000#0001)
df-scene-enhance 3.5.0 (flamewave000#0001)
df-settings-clarity 3.2.1 (flamewave000#6766)
dfreds-convenient-effects 2.0.1 (DFreds)
dice-so-nice 4.3.1 (Simone, JDW)
diceaddiction 1.1.0 (Handyfon)
disguise-unreachable-links 1.0 (Farling)
dnd5e-helpers 4.0.0 (honeybadger, Kandashi, kekilla)
dnd5e-spellpoints 1.3.0 (undefined)
drag-ruler 1.10.1 (undefined)
find-the-culprit 1.4.0 (Moerill)
forien-copy-environment 2.0.7 (Forien — Forien#2130)
illandril-chat-enhancements 1.2.4 (Joe Spandrusyszyn (illandril))
input-expressions 1.3.4 (zeel)
item-piles 1.1.3 (undefined)
itemacro 1.5.6 (Kekilla#7036)
jb2a_patreon 0.3.4 (Gazkhan#8192 and Wassily#8035)
lib-changelogs 0.7.7 (undefined)
lib-df-hotkeys 2.3.5 (flamewave000#6766)
lib-wrapper (Rui Pinheiro)
libruler 0.2.0 (undefined)
lordudice 0.33 (undefined)
magicitems 2.2.0 (Simone)
mcromusic-sampler 1.1.0 (McRoMusic)
michaelghelfi 1.3 (Michael Ghelfi Studios)
midi-qol 0.8.103 (tposney)
monks-active-tiles 1.0.49 (IronMonk)
monks-enhanced-journal 1.0.39 (IronMonk)
monks-little-details 1.0.43 (IronMonk)
monks-tokenbar 1.0.59 (IronMonk)
nice-more-dice 1.0.3 (LyncsCwtsh)
perfect-vision 3.5.3 (dev7355608)
permission_viewer 0.9.3 (Malekal)
ping-logger 1.2.15 (hypnoCode)
playlist-down 1.0.2 (Rafael “Miriadis” Masoni (Miriadis#9152))
plutonium 2.46.0-noble-prerelease-20-01 (Giddy)
pointer 2.3.4 (Moerill)
polyglot 1.7.28 (MClemente,KaKaRoTo,elizeuangelo)
revealed-notes-manager 1.0 (Farling)
sequencer 2.0.4 (Wasp (Wasp#2005))
sidebar-resizer 0.4.1 (undefined)
smalltime 1.13.10 (unsoluble)
smarttarget 0.8.5 (undefined)
socketlib 1.0.10 (undefined)
squeaker 1.2.7 (U~man)
tagger 1.2.3 (Wasp (Wasp#2005))
tidy-ui_game-settings 0.1.30 (sdenec)
tidy5e-sheet 0.5.21 (sdenec#3813)
times-up 0.8.31 (tposney)
token-auras 1.15 (Kim Mantas)
trs-metal-rainbow 1.0.0 (The Rollsmith)
warpgate 1.13.2 (honeybadger)
wcube 1.0.2 (EndlesNights)
zsync 0.0.4 (Richard Bellingham (Skimble))
tposney commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I've imported your midi-qol settings and it works ok in my test world. I'm thinking that there might be a module clash - any errors in the console?

tposney commented 2 years ago

Failing that is there any chance to connect to your world and have a look at what's happening? If so DM me in discord @tposney

tposney commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @MrVauxs on Jan 17, 2022, 21:47

As mentioned earlier, no, nothing happens including console errors.