added MET library to provide spacecraft time over CAN bus when GPS invalid.
MET time is JD_J2000_TT_s, and functions to convert this into GPS time were written & tested.
separated sensor processing into the chunk that will live on its own MPS (MSP_SP) and the processing that gets done in FSW. Added libraries accordingly.
added CAN_out library to pass the right signals onto the CAN bus.
removed the RW_cmd signal as an output from flight software and put it in the CAN_out lib, since this is how they will get commanded (helps define the right rate transitions).
updated eci_2_tle library based on issue #26
updated tle_2_eci library based on issue #32
updated gps and gps processing library based on issue #24 and #16
changed sensor_processing_lib.slx, which will overwrite changes made by @scrice in last merge. Need to manually account for this -- either add rate transitions and constant sampling time, or re-add filter.
Changes made: