tproduit / pic2map

QGIS plugin for camera orientation and interaction between a picture and the map (monoplotting).
22 stars 5 forks source link

resizeCross recommended update #15

Closed apiszcz closed 4 years ago

apiszcz commented 4 years ago

The crosses resize on zoom in / out and to a large size. This change maintains the cross scale.
around line 758
        if factor > 1  and self.countZoom < 25 and zoomOnGCP == False :
            self.countZoom += 1
            self.ui.graphicsView.scale(ZoomInFactor, ZoomInFactor)
            self.iconSet.SM = self.iconSet.SM * ZoomOutFactor      ###  NEW
            self.iconSet.WM = self.iconSet.WM * ZoomOutFactor   ###  NEW

        elif factor < 1 and self.countZoom > -2 and zoomOnGCP == False :
            self.countZoom -= 1
            self.ui.graphicsView.scale(ZoomOutFactor, ZoomOutFactor)
            self.iconSet.SM = self.iconSet.SM * ZoomInFactor     ###  NEW
            self.iconSet.WM = self.iconSet.WM * ZoomInFactor  ###  NEW

        # self.iconSet.SM = int((-2.8148*self.countZoom) + 74.37)     #COMMENT OUT
        # self.iconSet.WM = int((-0.6666*self.countZoom) + 18.66)    #COMMENT OUT