tproduit / pic2map

QGIS plugin for camera orientation and interaction between a picture and the map (monoplotting).
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Digitizing Tool Renamed? #27

Open MicheleTobias opened 2 years ago

MicheleTobias commented 2 years ago

When I ctrl+click (also regular click) on the image in the monoplotter window to digitize a polygon with the "Add Feature Polygon" tool to a layer in a geopackage, I get this error:

2021-11-04T17:35:10     WARNING    Traceback (most recent call last):
              File "C:\Users/mmtobias/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3\profiles\default/python/plugins\Pic2Map\", line 394, in clickOnMonoplotter
              if self.cTool.isEditTool():
             AttributeError: 'QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature' object has no attribute 'isEditTool'

I suspect the name of the digitizing tool has changed.

I'm on Windows 10, QGIS version 3.22.0

MicheleTobias commented 2 years ago

I thought maybe it isn't able to make polygons yet, so I tried points and lines in a geopackage and both of them gave me a similar error message.

MicheleTobias commented 2 years ago

I did some more investigating. On line 394 of, isEditTool is a property of mapTool in version 2.0 of the API and isn't available in 3.0 so I wonder if this feature ever worked in QGIS 3.0+. When I replace the if statement on line 394 with one to check that the tool name canvas.mapTool().toolName() is 'Add feature', it then breaks on line 400 where the event is created. This might be an API version issue too, but I haven't checked.