tpunix / SAROO

SAROO is a SEGA Saturn HDloader
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Compiled Firm_Saturn, Failed to display #9

Closed cyo-the-vile closed 8 months ago

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

I have sent you an email.

I can compile the new firm_saturn files you posted yesterday. However, the menu is broken. I am on the latest MCU firmware for October.

In main.c, after smpc_cmd(CDOFF) is performed, Saroo never gets to while(1) loop, initializing the menu and shell. Can you please fix this for the menu? I am ready to push commit for French and Portuguese translation. However, I cannot get menu to work.

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

Please check.

tpunix commented 8 months ago

Please move "smpc_cmd" before "pad_init" and test it again

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

`int _main(void) { conio_init(); smpc_cmd(CDOFF); pad_init();

printk("    SRAOOO start!\n");

mcu_ver = LE32((void*)(SYSINFO_ADDR+0x00));
lang_id = LE32((void*)(SYSINFO_ADDR+0x04));

// restore bios_loadcd_init1
*(u32*)(0x060002dc) = 0x2650;

//ASR0 = 0x31101f00;
//AREF = 0x00000013;

printk("\n\nSAROOO Serial Monitor Start!\n");
printk("   MCU ver: %08x\n", mcu_ver);
printk("    SS ver: %08x\n", get_build_date());
printk("  FPGA ver: %08x\n", SS_VER);
printk("   lang_id: %d\n", lang_id);

// CDBlock Off

// smpc_cmd(CDOFF);`

It won't show the menu still.

It is now displaying the following on Saturn: SMC_CMD(09) ... done. SS=c0 SRAOOO start!

tpunix commented 8 months ago

Please comment sci_init and try

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

In Yabuse emulator, it boots to Chinese menu still. However, I recall on Saroo, was having the problems. Just like the photograph.

I will test it when I get home.

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

Display says: Lang_id: -1631327553

Menu does not load.

My lang_id in Language.c is set to "1"

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

I was mistaken;

lang_id = LE32((void*)(SYSINFO_ADDR+0x04)); must be comment in main.c By default, it is pointing to Address inside MCU for lang_id ..... inside main.c for Firm_MCU.

sci_init(); must be comment in main.c

if it is not comment, Saroo does not start.

How to change the default language to English?

tpunix commented 8 months ago

lang_id can be set at saroocfg.txt: [global] lang_id = 0 0 for zhcn, 1 for eng

cyo-the-vile commented 8 months ago

Thank you boss.