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Feedback: PTW#4: The Mystery #111

Closed iwulOG closed 2 days ago

iwulOG commented 4 days ago

Which page: e/ptw/ Your feedback: <change "Cryptic promos from Sinister aired all throughout the build-up to this show, and the show's title refers to them." to "Cryptic promos from Sinister aired all throughout the build-up to this show, and the show's title might be referring to them."

reason for correction: PTW always treated the themes of their shows rather loosely, with events from trailers not impacting PTW canon at all - refer post-apo Revolucja, cyberpunk club at Blackout. Mystery's trailer featured Puncher beating down a hooded figure tied to the chair in the middle of PTW ring and PTW crew playing the roles of forensic analysts, criminals and policemen - totally non-canon. Also Mystery theme was picked up in different forms than just Sinister's reveal - there was also a kidnapping of Rzeźniczek and Paka's Mystery Machine entrance.>

k3rni commented 2 days ago

Updated in 4ed92a4