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Add Adjustment List to Bill #19

Closed tquoctuan97 closed 3 weeks ago

tquoctuan97 commented 3 weeks ago

Adjustment List Documentation


The adjustmentList is a feature of our billing system that allows for flexible application of additional fees and discounts to a bill. This document explains its purpose, structure, and usage.

Purpose of adjustmentList

Structure and Fields

This structure allows the user to manage and apply various fees and discounts to a bill.


Here's an example of a complete bill structure using adjustmentList:

  "sum": 100,
  "adjustmentList": [
    { "name": "Service Fee", "type": "add", "amount": 50 },
    { "name": "Discount", "type": "subtract", "amount": 30 }
  "finalResult": 120


To calculate the final result:

  1. Start with the original total (sum).
  2. Iterate through the adjustmentList:
    • For each item with type: "add", add the amount to the total.
    • For each item with type: "subtract", subtract the amount from the total.
let finalResult= sum;
for (let adjustment of adjustmentList) {
  if (adjustment.type === "add") {
    finalResult += adjustment.amount;
  } else if (adjustment.type === "subtract") {
    finalResult-= adjustment.amount;

Migration Data

Currently, we have prepay and debt fields in the Bill document. After implementing the changes, we need to migrate the old data to the new adjustmentList structure.


  "sum": 100,
  "prepay": 50,
  "debt": 30,
  "finalResult": 80


  "sum": 100,
  "adjustmentList": [
    { "name": "Prepay", "type": "subtract", "amount": 50 },
    { "name": "Debt", "type": "add", "amount": 30 }
  "finalResult": 80
tquoctuan97 commented 3 weeks ago

Migration Script

After running this script, all bills documents should have prePay and debt values moved into the adjustmentList, and the old fields should be kept for reference.

    $addFields: {
      adjustmentList: {
        $concatArrays: [
          { $ifNull: ['$adjustmentList', []] },
            $filter: {
              input: [
                  $cond: {
                    if: { $ne: ['$prePay', null] },
                    then: {
                      name: 'Prepay',
                      type: 'subtract',
                      amount: '$prePay',
                    else: null,
                  $cond: {
                    if: { $ne: ['$debt', null] },
                    then: {
                      name: 'Debt',
                      type: 'add',
                      amount: '$debt',
                    else: null,
              as: 'item',
              cond: { $ne: ['$$item', null] },
    $merge: {
      into: 'bills',
      on: '_id',
      whenMatched: 'merge',
      whenNotMatched: 'discard',

Let's break down this script:

  1. We use the aggregate pipeline for more complex operations:

    • $addFields: We're adding or modifying the adjustmentList field.
    • $concatArrays: We concatenate the existing adjustmentList (or an empty array if it doesn't exist) with new items.
    • $filter: We create new items only if prePay or debt are not null.
    • $cond: We use conditional operators to create the new adjustment items.
  2. The $merge stage writes the results back to the bills collection, updating existing documents.