tquser / training

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Anzia - work status #3

Open tquser opened 6 years ago

anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed mysql server installation using inno setup and console application
  2. import database using console application.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. Corrected ayurlive application documents.

  2. install htmlhelp.exe in tools folder and npp.6.6.7.Installer.exe .

  3. completed ayurlive front office documentation using html in help folder.

anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed ayurlive consultation documentation using html in help folder 2.completed ayurlive stock and inventory documentation using html in help folder 3.completed ayurlive control panel documentation using html in help folder
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed ayurlive stock and inventory documentation using html in help folder
  2. completed ayurlive therapist documentation using html in help folder
  3. completed ayurlive pharmacy documentation using html in help folde
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed store POS billing documentation using html in help folder 2.completed store POS billing report documentation using html in help folder
  2. completed store transaction documentation using html in help folder
anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed store control panel documentation using html in help folder 2.completed store department documentation using html in help folder 3.completed store sales documentation using html in help folder

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed room service billing documentation using html in help folder 2.completed room service direct check in documentation using html in help folder 3.completed room service group check in documentation using html in help folder

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed room service front office documentation using html in help folder 2.completed room service group check in documentation using html in help folder 3.completed room service reports documentation using html in help folder

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed room service availability report documentation using html in help folder 2.completed room service control panel documentation using html in help folder 3.completed restaurant billing documentation using html in help folder 4.completed restaurant control panel documentation using html in help folder 5.completed restaurant purchase documentation using html in help folder 6.completed restaurant utilities documentation using html in help folder

anzia commented 6 years ago

1 .completed accounts control panel documentation using html in help folder 2 .completed accounts journal documentation using html in help folder 3 .completed accounts payment documentation using html in help folder 4 .completed accounts receipt documentation using html in help folder 5.completed restaurant control panel documentation using html in help folder 6.completed restaurant reports documentation using html in help folder

anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. modify the help folder for ayurlive application..
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. modification of restaurent help application.
  2. and svn updation.
  3. modify ayurlive help application page.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. Complete the restaurent help application
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. Help app link with ayurlive application "front office"
  2. Link "therapist"
  3. Link with"therapist report"
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed linking frontoffice.
  2. completed linking therapist
  3. completed linking therapist report
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completing control panel linking ayurlive application(treatment settings)
anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completing control panel linking ayurlive application(treatment settings) 2.completing control panel linking ayurlive application(diet settings)

  1. modification of control panel.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed control panel linking ayurlive application(treatment).
  2. completed control panel linking ayurlive application(diet)
  3. completed control panel linking ayurlive application(yoga settings)
  4. completed control panel linking ayurlive application add/edit user 5.completed control panel linking ayurlive applicationcompany details
  5. completed control panel linking ayurlive application remainder service settings 7.completed control panel linking ayurlive application bill settings. 8.modify the physiotherapy settings
  6. check and commit entire project.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed department linking in store application(all)
  2. completed pos billing linking in store(damage and waste store statement) 3.completed store transaction linking store(stock adjustment ,requesition slip) 4.completed reports linking store(damage, requesition)
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed reports linking with store.(requesition slip department, sales)
  2. completing control panel linking with in store.(all).
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed control panel linking with store(all)
  2. completed stock linking with room service.(all)
  3. completed hall management linking with in room service(all)
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed the occupancy report linking with roomservice application.(Reports). 2.completed the Room status report report linking with roomservice application.(Reports). 3.Completed the Booking report linking with roomservice application.(Reports) 4.completed the stock report linking with roomservice application.(Reports)
  2. completed the Laundary report linking with roomservice application.(Reports).
  3. completed the Room details report linking with roomservice application.(Reports). 7.completed the patient details report linking with roomservice application.(Reports) 8.completed the bill report linking with roomservice application.(Reports)
  4. completed the payment info report linking with roomservice application.(Reports)
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed the control panel account management linking with room service application. 2.completed the control panel room management linking with room service application.
  2. completed the control tax setting linking with room service applcation.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. Complete the control panel store settings linking with room service application.
  2. Complete the control panel linking with room service application.(denomination,edit constraints,company details,bill settings,Rc settings,Nationality settings,Hall management,agency details,receipt number,add/edit user,email settings)
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed the stock help linking with restaurent application.
  2. cmpleting the reports help linking with restaurent application.(Restaurent report,variation report,sales report(restaurent repor) ,Bill type wise.
anzia commented 6 years ago

cmpleting the reports help linking with restaurent application.

  1. Sales reports(all)
  2. Purchase report(all) 3.stock reports(all) 4.price reports(all) 5.productio. standard.(all) 6.GP Ratio(all)
  3. Item details(all) 8.time variation(all).
anzia commented 6 years ago

completing the reports help linking with restaurant application 1.denomination report(all) 2.accounting report(all) 3.salary rport 4, individual salary report. 5.other reports(all) 6.incentive report(all) 7.attendance(all) 8.bill receipt report(all)

afternoon section

  1. download and install vm.
  2. install windows 10 ...
anzia commented 6 years ago

->create the chm file of accounts in the reports 1.denomination report(all) 2.accounting report(all) 3.salary rport 4, individual salary report. 5.other reports(all) 6.incentive report(all) 7.attendance(all) 8.bill receipt report(all) ->Purchase reports 1.store purchase(all) 2.stock report(all) 3.price report(all) 4.production standard(all) 5.GPratio(all) 6.item details(all) 7.time variation(all)

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.Path add to the help file .. 1.denomination report(all) 2.accounting report(all) 3.salary rport 4, individual salary report. 5.other reports(all) 6.incentive report(all) 7.attendance(all) 8.bill receipt report(all) ->Purchase reports 1.store purchase(all) 2.stock report(all) 3.price report(all) 4.production standard(all) 5.GPratio(all) 6.item details(all) 7.time variation(all) 2.Testing the restaurent finalaize the help application

  1. Discussion regarding purchasing tabs (our new tsk)
anzia commented 6 years ago

1.complete the insttalation of virtual box. 2.connected the main desktop to the remote desktop. 3.install tortoise svn and inno setup (virtual box).

  1. install web community using inno setup. 5.presentation of restaurant application.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. checkout svn in virtual box
  2. completing installention of server and community using inno settup
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed the instalation of server and community using inno settup(main system)
  2. completing update the batabase to the server using inno setupp.
  3. completing corruption of chm files.(restaurent)
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completing update the batabase to the server using inno setupp. 2.modification of chm files. of restaurent a.billing b.billreceipt c.cancel bill d.kot e.OTremaining f.reprint bill g.restaurent bill
anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed update the database the server using innosetupp. 2,completed update databse to the workbench using innosetupp.

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.create dbmanager folder 2.create console applicataion name as dbmanager. 3.create db manager console application file. 4.commit the details. 5.modify the restaurant control panel application.

anzia commented 6 years ago

1.the modify the console application file db manager.

  1. assign the values server address,username ,password, database name, query. 3.assign the arguments, commit the databaseutility.cs file and add its to the dbmanager solution. and call the function 4.modify the html file add/edit category in the control panel. 5.modify the html file purchase.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. morning section conduct a seminar about the room service working. ( training section)
  2. afternoon complete the console application db manager.
  3. open the database and update the query Query,databasename,server_address,username,password are passing comman Line 4.completed the DBManager console application.
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. morning section conduct a seminar about the hospitality working.(training) 2.completing instalation of server and run the easyHospitality application
anzia commented 6 years ago

................................TODAY WORK....................................... 1.update the svn project store

  1. create store procedure in workbench, 3.completed call the store procedure into database manager.
  2. completing save button click.
anzia commented 6 years ago

23/11/2017 ..........................TODAY WORK......................................

  1. completed button click. in cs file 2.completed update query in dbmanager file
  2. completed save button . 4.completed reference number and prefix retrieve
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. Completing smartgrid. Select code then items and unit displayed .
  2. And move the cursor to next coloumn. 3.completing show the prifix.
anzia commented 6 years ago

..................25/11/2017....................................... TODAY WORK

  1. compled first samart grit. select item and detail. the quqntity must be not null and double.
  2. move to the next row
  3. completing second smart grid
anzia commented 6 years ago

1.completed 2 grids...

  1. Completing det. 3.completed isvalid data function 4.completing setdet details
anzia commented 6 years ago
  1. completed det . 2.completed suplierdet.
  2. completing save and populate data
anzia commented 6 years ago


  1. completing save button. 2.completing populate data....
anzia commented 6 years ago

.............30/12/2017............. ......TODAY WORK........... 1.completed smartgrid 2.completed populate data 3.completed clear button 4.completed removing 5.completing chech the works.....

anzia commented 6 years ago

........02/10/2017........... ..........TODAY WORK............ 1.check the all work

  1. And clear the error and commit..
anzia commented 6 years ago

.......................07/12/2017................. .......................TODAY WORK............. 1.Check and correct the errors

anzia commented 6 years ago

.............................................08/12/2017...................................................... ............................................TODAY WORK.................................................. 1.completed pending order in purchase order.. 2.check the quation details

anzia commented 6 years ago

.............................................09/12/2017...................................................... ............................................TODAY WORK.................................................. 1.completed pending order in purchase order approval.. 2.completing pending grn in purchase order 3.validation in quotation details 4.conducting class...