Hi there, thanks for creating such a great package!
I have a few nested components,
I have defined my Provider within my App.tsx which passes the client / createClient as per the documentation.
However whenever I try to use createQuery within my nested component I get the message
Default Client: No client has been specified using urql's Provider.This means that urql will be falling back to defaults including making requests to `/graphql`.
If that's not what you want, please create a client and add a Provider.
It seems to be some issue in getting the specified context within my nested components...
Hi there, thanks for creating such a great package!
I have a few nested components, I have defined my Provider within my App.tsx which passes the client / createClient as per the documentation.
However whenever I try to use createQuery within my nested component I get the message
It seems to be some issue in getting the specified context within my nested components...