trabian / hylomorph

A component library for redux-form
MIT License
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Documentation #2

Open jimmyhmiller opened 7 years ago

jimmyhmiller commented 7 years ago

Any specific format we want to documentation to be in? Any tools we should use?

jimmyhmiller commented 7 years ago

Storybook seems promising. I also like the idea of annotated source code, but that might be difficult.

trabianmatt commented 7 years ago

Storybook is a good development tool but I'm not sure it serves the role of documentation. For this project it may be sufficient as long as we recognize the limitations.

jimmyhmiller commented 7 years ago

Story book definitely has some limitations. React-styleguide-generator looks like something worth investigating.

trabianmatt commented 7 years ago

We can also check out react-styleguidist, which works alongside create-react-app via I haven't tried either, just came across this one while searching.

trabianmatt commented 7 years ago

I looked into react-styleguidist a bit and liked it more than any similar projects I've investigated in the past. The integration with create-react-app was solid, and the UI seems sufficiently customizable.