traccar / traccar-client-android

Traccar Client for Android
Apache License 2.0
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location update but connection failed #121

Open ramu369 opened 9 years ago

ramu369 commented 9 years ago

hai i am trying to traccar in windows system.configured my mobile also installed traccar client.shown status connection failed.please help me..

tananaev commented 9 years ago

Check if the port is open:

a42 commented 9 years ago

Hi there

I have checked which ports my ISP has opened for (with ), and have according to the result (port 8080 open) changed the config for that bit to:

<entry key='http.port'>8080</entry>

and set the port on the android tracker client to be 8080 but I also get connection fail...

What to do ?

Cheers, Adam

tananaev commented 9 years ago

You changed web interface port. For Traccar Client you need to use port 5005.

a42 commented 9 years ago

Yes, I did change that :) and now I just realised that all I had to do was to create some port forwarding on my router ...

So now it's working on a local machine, next I want to make it work on a cloud server. :)

Cheers, Adam

tananaev commented 9 years ago

Note that to run Traccar you need a VPS. Regular web hosting is not enough.

a42 commented 9 years ago

Ok. Point taken :) I'm using Linode as my provider so in that way it should be okay...

Cheers, Adam