traccar / traccar-client-ios

Traccar Client for iOS
Apache License 2.0
204 stars 304 forks source link

stops sending data in version 1.3 #8

Open Morganebennett opened 10 years ago

Morganebennett commented 10 years ago

Data is sent while I'm home, and on my commute to work, but stops sending a few minutes after I get to the office. At my home and at the office I am connected to wifi. If I stop and restart Traccar, it begins sending data again, but will only send data for a few mintues while I'm still in the office. It will also begin sending data if I leave the office.

tananaev commented 10 years ago

Can you please send me logs from your device.

Use iPhone Configuration Utility to get them:

Morganebennett commented 10 years ago

Hello, I posted the logs from my device to the comment board, but they are also attached.

Thanks, Morgane

==== Attached at 5/28/2014 9:38:12 AM ==== May 28 09:25:28 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded May 28 09:25:28 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 May 28 09:25:28 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 1 May 28 09:25:28 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x5f0) May 28 09:25:29 ptpd[212] : ptpd: startResponder May 28 09:25:29 cplogd[214] : Starting. May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust: asking the user if they want to pair May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:25:29 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:25:30 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:25:30 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:25:30 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:25:32 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:25:32 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:25:32 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:25:32 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:25:37 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000 May 28 09:25:37 kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics May 28 09:25:37 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->255 May 28 09:25:37 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1f7) May 28 09:25:37 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=0 May 28 09:25:38 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 0 May 28 09:25:38 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000 May 28 09:25:38 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=1 May 28 09:25:38 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) May 28 09:25:38 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded May 28 09:25:38 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 May 28 09:25:38 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 1 May 28 09:25:38 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x2a8) May 28 09:25:39 kbd[115] : -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: mobile~DFB77F5C-D85A-5D68-A855-32D5295EFADE:UserDictionary Using local storage: 1 May 28 09:25:40 kbd[115] : -PFUbiquitySwitchboardEntryMetadata setUseLocalStorage:: CoreData: Ubiquity: mobile~DFB77F5C-D85A-5D68-A855-32D5295EFADE:UserDictionary Using local storage: 0 May 28 09:25:40 SpringBoard[34] : MKBAssertionFinalize: MKBAssertionFinalize(0x1598b700) May 28 09:25:40 SpringBoard[34] : MKBDeviceLockAssertion: MKBDeviceLockAssertion (asserttype:4321884 with error 1) May 28 09:25:40 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore: operation failed (pid: 34 sel: 26 ret: e00002e2) May 28 09:25:40 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLock call, lockstate=1, transientCnt=0 May 28 09:25:40 UserEventAgent[14] : LockStateNotifier aksNotificationCallback posting notification: May 28 09:25:40 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3 May 28 09:25:40 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 May 28 09:25:40 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLocked, lockstate=0 May 28 09:25:40 locationd[53] : notify name "" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak May 28 09:25:40 locationd[53] : notify name "" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak May 28 09:25:40 locationd[53] : notify name "" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak May 28 09:25:40 locationd[53] : notify name "" has been registered 20 times - this may be a leak May 28 09:25:40 wirelessproxd[66] : CoreBluetooth[WARNING] <CBCentralManager: 0x17568a80> is disabling duplicate filtering, but is using the default queue (main thread) for delegate events May 28 09:25:40 awdd[221] : CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon. May 28 09:25:41 profiled[220] : (Note ) profiled: Service starting... May 28 09:25:44 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 ask_user_to_trust_block_invoke_2: user said trust at time 38291 connection 4 May 28 09:25:44 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 trigger_host_pair: notifying host to pair May 28 09:25:46 wifid[15] : WiFi:[422976346.535901]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd" May 28 09:25:52 profiled[220] : (Note ) profiled: Service stopping. May 28 09:26:30 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0500 May 28 09:26:43 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000 May 28 09:26:45 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 5 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:26:45 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connectioncount: connectionCount now 6 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:26:45 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been deactivated. May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0 May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService , void *) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : USB mux: 15 reads / 0 errors, 13 writes / 0 errors May 28 09:26:45 kernel[0] : USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups May 28 09:26:48 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 7 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:26:48 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1 May 28 09:26:48 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost May 28 09:26:48 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 8 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected true unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c __lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust: ignoring user allowed pairing from connection 4 since we're now at connection 8 May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust: asking the user if they want to pair May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:26:49 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:26:49 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:26:49 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:26:50 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:26:50 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:26:50 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:26:50 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:26:58 lockdownd[52] : 01b1b000 ask_user_to_trust_block_invoke_2: user said trust at time 38364 connection 8 May 28 09:26:58 lockdownd[52] : 01b1b000 trigger_hostpair: notifying host to pair May 28 09:27:05 Preferences[228] : ** -[NSCFString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:]: Range {4294967295, 4} out of bounds; string length 3. This will become an exception for apps linked after 10.9. Warning shown once per app execution. May 28 09:27:05 Preferences[228] : BTM: attaching to BTServer May 28 09:27:22 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLock call, lockstate=0, transientCnt=0 May 28 09:27:22 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLocked, lockstate=0 May 28 09:27:22 kernel[0] : AppleAP3GDL::handleInterrupt2 FIFO is Empty May 28 09:27:30 profiled[230] : (Note ) profiled: Service starting... May 28 09:27:30 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLock call, lockstate=0, transientCnt=0 May 28 09:27:30 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLocked, lockstate=0 May 28 09:27:30 keybagd[45] : 0x2d7000 handle_changepasscode_block_invoke: oldpass=^H newpass=^H j- May 28 09:27:30 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLock call, lockstate=0, transientCnt=0 May 28 09:27:30 kernel[0] : AppleKeyStore::device_state_transition: Device UnLocked, lockstate=0 May 28 09:27:30 keybagd[45] : 0x2d7000 handle_changepasscode_block_invoke: success May 28 09:27:41 profiled[230] : (Note ) profiled: Service stopping. May 28 09:27:43 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 9 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:27:43 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been deactivated. May 28 09:27:43 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 10 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 0 May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType Detached May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService , void ) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : USB mux: 13 reads / 0 errors, 14 writes / 0 errors May 28 09:27:43 kernel[0] : USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 11 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:27:46 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableDetect 1 May 28 09:27:46 kernel[0] : AppleD1881PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 12 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected true unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust: ignoring user allowed pairing from connection 8 since we're now at connection 12 May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust: asking the user if they want to pair May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:27:46 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:27:46 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:27:46 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:27:47 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:27:47 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c __lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:27:47 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:27:47 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:27:47 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:27:53 lockdownd[52] : 01a99000 ask_user_to_trust_block_invoke_2: user said trust at time 38420 connection 12 May 28 09:27:53 lockdownd[52] : 01a99000 trigger_host_pair: notifying host to pair May 28 09:28:10 cplogd[214] : Exiting. May 28 09:28:39 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0500 May 28 09:28:54 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000 May 28 09:28:54 kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics May 28 09:28:54 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 3->255 May 28 09:28:55 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1f7) May 28 09:28:55 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=0 May 28 09:28:55 SpringBoard[34] : [MPUNowPlayingController] Not registered for now playing notifications. Ignoring call to -unregisterForNotifications. May 28 09:28:55 profiled[237] : (Note ) profiled: Service starting... May 28 09:28:55 touchsetupd[114] : WPTransfer deallocing May 28 09:28:55 awdd[239] : CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon. May 28 09:28:55 cplogd[238] : Starting. May 28 09:28:55 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 0 May 28 09:29:06 profiled[237] : (Note ) profiled: Service stopping. May 28 09:30:00 wifid[15] : WiFi:[422976600.256547]: Disable WoW requested by "apsd" May 28 09:31:25 cplogd[238] : Exiting. May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 ask_user_to_trust: allowed pairing from connection 12 since we're still on that connection May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 verify_pair_record: The strings don't match. Is this really a UUID? May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 store_escrow_record: Creating escrow bag (hash=3e2e08765fe7383a0ce46a6cbc0666321dfe08a0) for 30374521-1403517805271502376 May 28 09:35:03 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS succeeded May 28 09:35:06 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 13 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:35:06 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been deactivated. May 28 09:35:06 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 14 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:35:06 kernel[0] : AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_setProperties taking device off USB for 50 msec May 28 09:35:06 kernel[0] : virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService , void ) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated May 28 09:35:06 kernel[0] : AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: May 28 09:35:06 kernel[0] : USB mux: 18 reads / 0 errors, 24 writes / 0 errors May 28 09:35:06 kernel[0] : USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000 May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=1 May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x17e4d140 pthread_self=0x4456000 May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded May 28 09:35:06 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 May 28 09:35:06 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 15 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:35:06 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 16 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected true unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:35:07 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 1 May 28 09:35:07 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x5f4) May 28 09:35:07 cplogd[242] : Starting. May 28 09:35:07 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:35:07 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:35:16 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000 May 28 09:35:16 kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics May 28 09:35:16 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->255 May 28 09:35:16 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1f7) May 28 09:35:16 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=0 May 28 09:35:17 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 0 May 28 09:36:01 awdd[243] : CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon. May 28 09:36:02 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 17 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:36:02 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been deactivated. May 28 09:36:02 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 18 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:36:02 kernel[0] : virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService , void ) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated May 28 09:36:02 kernel[0] : AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: May 28 09:36:02 kernel[0] : USB mux: 11 reads / 0 errors, 14 writes / 0 errors May 28 09:36:02 kernel[0] : USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000 May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=1 May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x17e4d140 pthread_self=0x44d8000 May 28 09:36:02 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 19 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:36:02 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 20 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected true unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded May 28 09:36:02 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 May 28 09:36:03 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 1 May 28 09:36:03 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x5f5) May 28 09:36:06 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 ask_user_to_trust: ignoring user allowed pairing from connection 12 since we're now at connection 20 May 28 09:36:06 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 ask_user_to_trust: asking the user if they want to pair May 28 09:36:06 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:36:06 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:36:06 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:36:06 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_is_host_trusted PairingDialogResponsePending May 28 09:36:08 locationd[53] : NStatManagerHandleSrcCounts:1549 couldn't find NStatSourceRef for 335 May 28 09:36:08 locationd[53] : NStatManagerHandleSrcDescriptor:1214 update descriptor for invalid source May 28 09:36:11 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=0.0000 May 28 09:36:11 kernel[0] : AppleMultitouchN1SPI: updating power statistics May 28 09:36:11 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->255 May 28 09:36:12 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 0 (set level to 0x1f7) May 28 09:36:12 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=0 May 28 09:36:12 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 0 May 28 09:37:27 timed[18] : (Note ) CoreTime: Received timezone "America/New_York" from "Location" May 28 09:37:27 timed[18] : (Note ) CoreTime: Current mcc: '310' simulated:'0'. May 28 09:37:27 timed[18] : (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting time zone to America/New_York from LocationAndNetwork May 28 09:37:28 locationd[53] : client 'com.facebook.Facebook' stopping significant location changes May 28 09:37:31 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:37:31 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:37:31 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS failed: PasswordProtected May 28 09:37:31 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_pair PasswordProtected May 28 09:37:35 backboardd[28] : hid_dispatch_pthread_root_queue_create_block_invoke: specific=0x17e4d140 pthread_self=0x4732000 May 28 09:37:36 backboardd[28] : ALS: SetDisplayFactor: factor=1.0000 May 28 09:37:36 backboardd[28] : Posting '' notifyState=1 May 28 09:37:36 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 255->6 (deferring until bootloaded) May 28 09:37:36 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: device bootloaded May 28 09:37:36 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->6 May 28 09:37:36 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::handleMessageGated - framebufferState -> 1 May 28 09:37:36 kernel[0] : ALS: AppleARMBacklight::setBacklightEnableGated 1 (set level to 0x280) May 28 09:37:37 backboardd[28] : MultitouchHID: detection mode: 6->3 May 28 09:37:37 wirelessproxd[66] : CoreBluetooth[WARNING] <CBCentralManager: 0x17568a80> is disabling duplicate filtering, but is using the default queue (main thread) for delegate events May 28 09:37:37 awdd[251] : CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon. May 28 09:37:37 Weather[160] : dnssdclientstub:sdRef: CallbackwithError morebytes zero sdr 0x16d95eb0 May 28 09:37:37 locationd[53] : Location icon should now be in state 'Active' May 28 09:37:38 backboardd[28] : Facebook[156]: Could not stat /private/var/mobile/Applications/1E493649-01BA-42B2-A9B3-0DE1C9E2CF92/tmp/etilqs_XimEh9H53tG8jCv: No such file or directory May 28 09:37:38 backboardd[28] : Facebook[156]: Could not stat /private/var/mobile/Applications/1E493649-01BA-42B2-A9B3-0DE1C9E2CF92/tmp/etilqs_eFFY4lQ0LmXDFdl: No such file or directory May 28 09:37:40 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 ask_user_to_trust_block_invoke_2: user said trust at time 39006 connection 20 May 28 09:37:40 lockdownd[52] : 002d5000 trigger_host_pair: notifying host to pair May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c __lockdown_should_disable_pairing_block_invoke: disablePairing: 0 May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 mc_allow_pairing: hostMayPairWithOptions said yes with prompt May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 ask_user_to_trust: allowed pairing from connection 20 since we're still on that connection May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 verify_pair_record: The strings don't match. Is this really a UUID? May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 store_escrow_record: Creating escrow bag (hash=69ceff1c884ea4305bd9204ee8f12afcd197928f) for 30374522181516595165075840 May 28 09:37:42 lockdownd[52] : 01a17000 handle_pair: pair for BOGUS succeeded May 28 09:37:43 wifid[15] : WiFi:[422977063.263143]: Enable WoW requested by "apsd" May 28 09:37:45 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 21 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:37:45 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 22 usbHostConnected false pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed false May 28 09:37:45 kernel[0] : AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_setProperties taking device off USB for 50 msec May 28 09:37:45 kernel[0] : virtual IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::message(UInt32, IOService , void ) - kMessageInterfaceWasDeActivated May 28 09:37:45 kernel[0] : AppleUSBDeviceMux::reportStats: USB mux statistics: May 28 09:37:45 kernel[0] : USB mux: 44 reads / 0 errors, 44 writes / 0 errors May 28 09:37:45 kernel[0] : USB mux: 0 short packets, 0 dups May 28 09:37:45 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been deactivated. May 28 09:37:46 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 23 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected false unpairedPtpAllowed true May 28 09:37:46 lockdownd[52] : 3cd6f18c _bump_connection_count: connectionCount now 24 usbHostConnected true pairableHostConnected true unpairedPtpAllowed true May 28 09:37:46 ptpd[212] : Photo library available May 28 09:37:46 ptpd[212] : PTP interface has been activated at high speed. May 28 09:37:48 locationd[53] : Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive' May 28 09:37:50 mc_mobile_tunnel[256] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel starting. May 28 09:37:50 lockdownd[52] : 00241000 set_response_error: handle_start_session SessionActive May 28 09:37:51 mc_mobile_tunnel[257] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel starting. May 28 09:37:53 profiled[258] : (Note ) profiled: Service starting... May 28 09:37:57 Morgane-Bennetts-iPhone mc_mobile_tunnel[260] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel starting. May 28 09:38:00 Morgane-Bennetts-iPhone mc_mobile_tunnel[256] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel shutting down. May 28 09:38:03 Morgane-Bennetts-iPhone mc_mobile_tunnel[257] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel shutting down. May 28 09:38:04 Morgane-Bennetts-iPhone profiled[258] : (Note ) profiled: Service stopping. May 28 09:38:07 Morgane-Bennetts-iPhone mc_mobile_tunnel[260] : (Note ) MC: mc_mobile_tunnel shutting down.

tananaev commented 10 years ago

I don't see any messages related to Traccar Client in your log.