traccar / traccar-web

Traccar GPS Tracking System
Apache License 2.0
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Arabic Languge Error #1067

Closed HaniAlhabshi closed 1 year ago

HaniAlhabshi commented 1 year ago

When I login by Arabic interface and add new user or new device on Traccar platform , I try to change the expire date but i face error message :

Cannot deserialize value of type java.util.Date from String "٢٠٢٢-١٢-٢٩T٠٠:٠٠:٠٠+٠٣:٠٠": not a valid representation (error: Failed to parse Date value '٢٠٢٢-١٢-٢٩T٠٠:٠٠:٠٠+٠٣:٠٠': Cannot parse date "٢٠٢٢-١٢-٢٩T٠٠:٠٠:٠٠+٠٣:٠٠": while it seems to fit format 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX', parsing fails (leniency? null)) at [Source: (org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream); line: 1, column: 260] (through reference chain: org.traccar.model.User["expirationTime"])
HaniAlhabshi commented 1 year ago


tananaev commented 1 year ago


HaniAlhabshi commented 1 year ago

@tananaev i don't know where to move this issue ?

tananaev commented 1 year ago

Why do you need to move it? It's already fixed. That's why I closed it.

HaniAlhabshi commented 1 year ago

aha ok ,,shall i fix it too , in my local test server or i have to download again