traccar / traccar

Traccar GPS Tracking System
Apache License 2.0
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Import Resources #5304

Open viniciusdesa opened 5 months ago

viniciusdesa commented 5 months ago

When I use features like driver management, I feel the lack of a way to import drivers from an Excel worksheet, for example.

When I need to create new drivers and assign them to groups, the manual process limits us to work with few records. When I have to manage a hundred (or hundreds) of records, I have to create scripts to run directly on the Traccar database.

In these scripts, I have to take care to create relationships of the new drivers, for example, the group which they will be related with and the users which can see this group and that must be able to see these new drivers. So many things to deal with and currently I have to do this manually.

Could you create an option to import drivers from a worksheet? I'd take this as a standard and create an import method for devices, groups and notifications as well.

Thanks in advance.

tananaev commented 5 months ago

Are you saying you need to add a large number of drivers regularly?

viniciusdesa commented 5 months ago

Not only to add but to remove as well since changes in workforce are constant

tananaev commented 5 months ago

How would excel help with removing?

viniciusdesa commented 5 months ago

With a column which indicates the operation, I can handle if I want to create or remove a record. Or when importing, I could assume that the entire driver set of the group would be recreated.

geduxas commented 5 months ago

With a column which indicates the operation, I can handle if I want to create or remove a record. Or when importing, I could assume that the entire driver set of the group would be recreated.

How about direct db connection to Excel? I am pretty sure you could add ODBC connection and manage drivers from excel

tananaev commented 5 months ago

To me it seems like you're using some other system as a single source of truth and that's causing this problem.

viniciusdesa commented 5 months ago

In fact, the difficulty is that when the volume of data to be imported is large, it is necessary to deal directly with the API or the database. Importing would be an important data entry point for those who don't know programming.

tananaev commented 5 months ago

Where are you importing from?

viniciusdesa commented 5 months ago

I created a template of a sheet which my client fills with the current driver list

tananaev commented 5 months ago

Wouldn't it be better if the fill it out directly online?