tracefirst / usaha_committee

XML schema for electronic CVIs
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Additional Program Status Enumerations #37

Closed jhomerbingham closed 7 years ago

jhomerbingham commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm a software developer for Fort Supply Technologies, and am trying to get my program to export an xml file to match the XSD discussed here. The program collects information that allows vets to fill out an eCVI certificate, and so we've used this certificate as our requirements for collecting data. I've included (hopefully -- I'm new to this site) a screenshot of the pertinent part of the certificate that appears to have diseases that aren't enumerations in the XSD. I would suggest adding these as enumeration values for the ProgramStatusType, listed as: Johne’s (herd) NPIP (herd) Scrapie (herd) PRV (herd) PRV (Area) Trichomoniasis (herd) EIA (herd)

Or have some kind of "Other" choice that could be definable in the field.


Thanks, Jason Bingham