tracefirst / usaha_committee

XML schema for electronic CVIs
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SexType #5

Open mkm1879 opened 10 years ago

mkm1879 commented 10 years ago

Should the enumeration of values for SexType include castrated male and spayed female or should there be a "GenderStatus" field for that. Some applications will need to differentiate a steer from a bull, etc. I've seen it argued each way fairly convincingly.

mmcgrath commented 10 years ago

7/17 - consensus was that a wider list is needed: the following is a starting point for discussion:

Female Male Gender Unknown Neutered Female Neutered Male True Hermaphrodite Other

MitzyTorres commented 10 years ago

For animals that are added as groups, should we add Mixed to this list if the sex is not the same for all? Or should "Other" be used for this scenario?

Should we change Neutered Female to Spayed Female?

ssantamaria commented 10 years ago

On the 9/9/13 call I asked if the eCVIs should include choices for intact female and intact male. I believe the response was yes. I was asked to review the list and give suggestions for changes. I recommend the list be:

Intact male Neutered male Intact female Neutered female True hermaphrodite Gender unknown

Possible additions: Freemartin female Mixed gender group*

*An alternative of using a “mixed gender group” code is to make Sex an element rather than an attribute, allowing for multiple entries of sex codes to describe the group as needed. A group of cattle could be recorded as consisting of “intact male” and “intact female” sexes. Is this level of specificity for groups desired? The SexDetail attribute could capture this information in text but it wouldn't be in a standard way to enhance retrieval.

Similarly, the other attributes of GroupLot (Species, Age, Breed) could be reworked to allow for multiple entries, enhancing the specificity of information provided about the group. This still would not connect the information to specific animals in the group but would allow for a more detailed description of the group if this is desired.

mkm1879 commented 10 years ago

I wonder if there is value in enumerating all the odd intersex variations or if it would be better to figure out a generalized term for "Other non-reproductive intersex" or something.

mmcgrath commented 10 years ago

Intact male Neutered male Intact female Neutered female None of the above

sahola commented 10 years ago

I concur with MMG's list in his most recent post.