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Experimental neural static analyzer for Java programs, based on ML and LLM
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Parse Java to AST #7

Open h1alexbel opened 5 months ago

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

Let's parse .java code to AST

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

javaparser XML AST printer:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root type="CompilationUnit">
    <type type="ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration" isInterface="false">
      <name type="SimpleName" identifier="HelloWorld"></name>
        <member type="MethodDeclaration">
          <body type="BlockStmt">
              <statement type="ExpressionStmt">
                <expression type="MethodCallExpr">
                  <name type="SimpleName" identifier="println"></name>
                  <scope type="FieldAccessExpr">
                    <name type="SimpleName" identifier="out"></name>
                    <scope type="NameExpr">
                      <name type="SimpleName" identifier="System"></name>
                    <argument type="StringLiteralExpr" value="Hello, World!"></argument>
          <type type="VoidType"></type>
          <name type="SimpleName" identifier="main"></name>
            <modifier type="Modifier" keyword="PUBLIC"></modifier>
            <modifier type="Modifier" keyword="STATIC"></modifier>
            <parameter type="Parameter" isVarArgs="false">
              <name type="SimpleName" identifier="args"></name>
              <type type="ArrayType" origin="TYPE">
                <componentType type="ClassOrInterfaceType">
                  <name type="SimpleName" identifier="String"></name>
        <modifier type="Modifier" keyword="PUBLIC"></modifier>
        <modifier type="Modifier" keyword="FINAL"></modifier>

custom XML visitor based on Xembly:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<class id="HelloWorld">
              <arguments>"Hello, World!"</arguments>
h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

obviously we need to add types, javadocs, comments too

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

Let's parse this one:

public class Example {
    public void method() {
        int x = 10;

into AST like this (with a help of XML):

├── ClassDeclaration
│   ├── Identifier: Example
│   └── MethodDeclaration
│       ├── Identifier: method
│       └── Block
│           └── VariableDeclaration
│               ├── Type: int
│               └── Identifier: x

After this been done, we try to encode AST into vectors and check what model says about it