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GitHub issues webhook input parsing #118

Closed h1alexbel closed 5 months ago

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

we should parse the following payload we receive from GitHub issues webhook:

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    "milestone": null,
    "comments": 0,
    "created_at": "2024-01-31T13:36:21Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-01-31T13:36:21Z",
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    "type": "User",
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first things we need to do is to check the creator of the issue, if its not a @tracehubgit then we can process this payload.

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago

moreover, we need to make it in async way, like described was tiny described in this issue

0pdd commented 5 months ago

@h1alexbel the puzzle #125 is still not solved.

0pdd commented 5 months ago

@h1alexbel the puzzle #136 is still not solved; solved: #125.

h1alexbel commented 5 months ago
