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Firefox ESR Policies Improvements #60

Closed duckst3r closed 3 years ago

duckst3r commented 3 years ago

Firefox ESR Policies

The current policies for Firefox ESR are good, but we could consider shielding them a little more.

Here are the suggestions:

Policy Name Description Value
AppAutoUpdate Enable or disable automatic application update. TRUE
BlockAboutAddons Block access to the Add-ons Manager (about:addons). TRUE
BlockAboutConfig Block access to about:config. TRUE
BlockAboutProfiles Block access to About Profiles (about:profiles). TRUE
BlockAboutSupport Block access to Troubleshooting Information (about:support). TRUE
DefaultDownloadDirectory Set the default download directory. ${home}/Downloads
DisableAppUpdate Turn off application updates. FALSE
DisableBuiltinPDFViewer Disable the built in PDF viewer. TRUE
DisabledCiphers Disable ciphers. TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
DisableDefaultBrowserAgent Prevent the default browser agent from taking any actions (Windows only). TRUE
DisableFormHistory Turn off saving information on web forms and the search bar. TRUE
DisablePasswordReveal Do not allow passwords to be revealed in saved logins. TRUE
DisableProfileImport Disables the "Import data from another browser" option in the bookmarks window. TRUE
DisableProfileRefresh Disable the Refresh Firefox button on about:support and TRUE
DisableSafeMode Disable safe mode within the browser. TRUE
DisableSecurityBypass Prevent the user from bypassing security in certain cases. InvalidCertificate = TRUE SafeBrowsing = TRUE
DisableSystemAddonUpdate Prevent system add-ons from being installed or update. FALSE
DisplayMenuBar Set the initial state of the menubar. default-on
DontCheckDefaultBrowser Don't check if Firefox is the default browser at startup. TRUE
DownloadDirectory Set and lock the download directory. ${home}/Downloads
EnableTrackingProtection Configure tracking protection. Tracking Protection Enabled: Cryptomining = TRUE Fingerprinting = TRUE
EncryptedMediaExtensions Configure tracking protection. DISABLED
Extensions/ExtensionSettings Control the installation, uninstallation and locking of extensions. Disable All / Force install uBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere
FlashPlugin Configure the default Flash plugin policy as well as origins for which Flash is allowed. Block All
InstallAddonsPermission Configure the default extension install policy as well as origins for extension installs are allowed. Disallow All
OfferToSaveLogins Control whether or not Firefox offers to save passwords. FALSE
OfferToSaveLoginsDefault Set the default value for whether or not Firefox offers to save passwords. FALSE
OverrideFirstRunPage Override the first run page.
OverridePostUpdatePage Override the upgrade page.
PasswordManagerEnabled Remove (some) access to the password manager. FALSE
PDFjs Disable or configure PDF.js, the built-in PDF viewer. DISABLED
Permissions: Autoplay Set permissions associated with video autoplay. Block All / Block New Requests
Permissions: Camera Set permissions associated with camera. Block All / Block New Requests
Permissions: Location Set permissions associated with location. Block All / Block New Requests
Permissions: Microphone Set permissions associated with microphone. Block All / Block New Requests
Permissions: Notifications Set permissions associated with notifications. Block All / Block New Requests
Permissions: VirtualReality Set permissions associated with virtual reality. Block All / Block New Requests
PopupBlocking Configure the default pop-up window policy as well as origins for which pop-up windows are allowed. Block All / Block New Requests
PromptForDownloadLocation Ask where to save each file before downloading. FALSE
SSLVersionMax Set and lock the maximum version of TLS. tls1.3
SSLVersionMin Set and lock the minimum version of TLS. tls1.2
duckst3r commented 3 years ago

Issue solved in PR