tracer-x / TracerX

TracerX Symbolic Virtual Machine
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Global variables subsumption #371

Closed rasoolmaghareh closed 4 years ago

rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

Considering our discussion yesterday, this is my suggestion for the algorithm of Global variables subsumption.

Assuming we are storing a subset of Pi, Mu and G, at the point of creating an interpolant:

  1. A global variable a is added to G only if:

Note: Since a is not in Mu, we know that the value of a has not changed in this path from the beginning.

At the subsumption point, we need to check if all the variables in G have the same value in the new state:

  1. The variables might be in Mu at the subsumption point.
  2. Or they may be in the GlobalVars data structure.
rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

I am adding @sanghu1790 as the reviewer for this issue to check if the enhancement remains scalable on his test programs.

xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago

I think for some nodes, we cannot get the global values for the interpolant. For example, at 1 one node where infeasible happens because of global variable a, there are 2 possible cases for the current node:

  1. a is not in miu => For this case, we can get value of a from Klee's structure and the same value of a needs to be added to G in parent nodes
  2. a is already in miu => add the current value of a to G of the current node, but for the parent nodes, if a is not in miu, what is the value of a need to be added to G at those parent nodes? We don't keep those values.

The GlobalVars contains the addresses only, its value may be changed during execution, and we don't keep initial value of global variables.

rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

For case 2, since a is in Mu there is no need to add a to G. However, for the parent nodes there are two possibilities:

  1. a is not in Mu of the parent node, then add the value of a from GlobalVars to G.
  2. a is in the Mu of the parent node, then no need to add a to G

And the same for the remainder of the parents.

xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago

But for the first case in your comment, the value in GlobalVars it is the updated value, I think that is not correct one @rasoolmaghareh

rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

For the first case if a was changed then we would have a row in Mu for it.

xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago

but in the first case in your comment here: a is not in miu of the parent node. And a in GlobalVars is now the updated valued, that is not correct, the value need to be add to G of that node is the initial value of global variable but we don't keep those values

xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago


rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago
#include <klee/klee.h>

int l[2] = {0,0}, r[2] = {0,0};
// int l[2] , r[2];
int main() {
  // l[0] = l[1] = r[0] = r[1] = 0;
  int c1;
  klee_make_symbolic(&c1, sizeof(int), "c1");
  if(c1 == 0) {
    if (!r[1])
      l[0] = 1; 
  else if(c1 == 1) {
    if (!l[1])
      r[0] = 1;
  else if(c1 == 2) {
    if (l[0] == 1 && r[0] == 1)

  int c2;
  klee_make_symbolic(&c2, sizeof(int), "c2");
  if(c2 == 0) {
    if (!r[1])
      l[0] = 1; 
  else if(c2 == 1) {
    if (!l[1])
      r[0] = 1;
  else if(c2 == 2) {
    if (l[0] == 1 && r[0] == 1)

  int c3;
  klee_make_symbolic(&c3, sizeof(int), "c3");
  if(c3 == 0) {
    if (!r[1])
      l[0] = 1; 
  else if(c3 == 1) {
    if (!l[1])
      r[0] = 1;
  else if(c3 == 2) {
    if (l[0] == 1 && r[0] == 1)
  return 0;
xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago

On my side the bug in the above program is fixed, but I found some duplication like this int the G:

KLEE: Storing entry for Node #6, Program Point 57216200
KLEE: ------------ Subsumption Table Entry ------------
Program point = 57216200
global = [creation depth: 7
        function/value: @r = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 4
        address: 35965356
        base: 35965352
        pointer to location object: 37933040
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 53]
        function/value: main/  %68 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @r, i32 0, i64 1), align 4, !dbg !193
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36131728creation depth: 6
        function/value: @l = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 0
        address: 35965336
        base: 35965336
        pointer to location object: 37931888
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 44]
        function/value: main/  %53 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @l, i32 0, i64 0), align 4, !dbg !183
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36129616creation depth: 9
        function/value: @l = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 0
        address: 35965336
        base: 35965336
        pointer to location object: 37935968
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 65]
        function/value: main/  %84 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @l, i32 0, i64 0), align 4, !dbg !211
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36130496creation depth: 8
        function/value: @l = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 4
        address: 35965340
        base: 35965336
        pointer to location object: 37933904
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 59]
        function/value: main/  %76 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @l, i32 0, i64 1), align 4, !dbg !202
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36131376]

There are 2 ref<TxStoreEntry> in the interpolation:

        function/value: @l = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 0
        address: 35965336
        base: 35965336
        pointer to location object: 37931888
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 44]
        function/value: main/  %53 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @l, i32 0, i64 0), align 4, !dbg !183
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36129616creation depth: 9
        function/value: @l = global [2 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
        stack: (empty)
        offset: 0
        address: 35965336
        base: 35965336
        pointer to location object: 37935968
        concrete offset bound: 8
        size: 8
        a right interpolant value:
                branch infeasibility [main: Line 65]
        function/value: main/  %84 = load i32* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i32]* @l, i32 0, i64 0), align 4, !dbg !211
        expression: 0
        pointer to location object: 36130496creation depth: 8

They have the same address but different contents I think they have the same address and offset, they should be the same.

xuanlinhha commented 4 years ago

Hi @rasoolmaghareh This is the original DP program, you can change the BOUND as you run.

#ifdef LLBMC
#include <llbmc.h>
#include <klee/klee.h>
#define N 4 // processes 0, 1, 2, 3 each with 4 rules
#define M 4 // number of rules for each process
#define BOUND 3
int left[N], right[N];
int starve[N] = {0};
int eating = 0, caneat[N] = {1};
int main() {
int choice;
for (int i = 0 ; i < BOUND; i++) {
   klee_make_symbolic(&choice, sizeof(int), "choice");
   int c = choice % 16;
   switch (c) {
       // P0
       case 0:  if (!left[0] && !right[N-1]) left[0] = 1; break;
       case 1:  if (!right[0] && !left[1]) right[0] = 1; break;
       case 2:  if (left[0] == 1 && right[0] == 1 && caneat[0]) { caneat[0] = 0; eating++; starve[0]++; break;}
       case 3:  if (left[0] == 1 && right[0] == 1 && !caneat[0]) { caneat[0] = 0; eating++; starve[0]++; break;}
       // P1
       case 4:  if (!left[1] && !right[0]) left[1] = 1; break;
       case 5:  if (!right[1] && !left[2]) right[1] = 1; break;
       case 6:  if (left[1] == 1 && right[1] == 1 && caneat[1]) { caneat[1] = 0; eating++; starve[1]++; break;}
       case 7:  if (left[1] == 1 && right[1] == 1 && !caneat[1]) { caneat[1] = 1; eating--; left[1] = right[1] = 0; break;}
       // P2
       case 8:  if (!left[2] && !right[1]) left[2] = 1; break;
       case 9:  if (!right[2] && !left[3]) right[2] = 1; break;
       case 10: if (left[2] == 1 && right[2] == 1 && caneat[2]) { caneat[2] = 0; eating++; starve[2]++; break;}
       case 11: if (left[2] == 1 && right[2] == 1 && caneat[2]) { caneat[2] = 1; eating--; left[2] = right[1] = 0; break;}

       // add code for different N ....

   klee_assert(eating <= N/2); // (1)
klee_assert(!starve[0]); // (2)
return 0;

And this is the modified version made by @sanghu1790

#include <klee/klee.h>

int l[2] = {0,0}, r[2] = {0,0};
// int l[2] , r[2];
int main() {
  // l[0] = l[1] = r[0] = r[1] = 0;
  int c;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++) {
    klee_make_symbolic(&c, sizeof(int), "c");
    if(c == 0) {
      if (!r[1])
        l[0] = 1; 
    else if(c == 1) {
      if (!l[1])
        r[0] = 1; 
    else if(c == 2) {
      if (l[0] == 1 && r[0] == 1)
  return 0;
rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago


rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

@sanghu1790 Do you need to check PR #375 on your test programs? I am checking and I want to approve the commit.

rasoolmaghareh commented 4 years ago

fixed in PR #375.