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Understand difference between collabora and libreoffice online and limitations related. #2173

Open inkhey opened 5 years ago

inkhey commented 5 years ago

Bug description & symptom

We need to see clearly difference between those two software and difference between CODE and other collabora build.


PhilippeAccorsi commented 5 years ago

PhilippeAccorsi commented 5 years ago

This url /loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html is to see some analytics of collabora instance. It is accessible when you start image with user and password.

lebouquetin commented 5 years ago

@inkhey what is unclear?

inkhey commented 5 years ago

After some search/test:

PhilippeAccorsi commented 5 years ago

@inkhey Do you have some information between collabora/code and collabora/partner (version used when you have url key. This is a production version).

PhilippeAccorsi commented 4 years ago

More information available here

PhilippeAccorsi commented 4 years ago

Need to try more config parameter with loolwsd.xml file

PhilippeAccorsi commented 3 years ago

New official documentation exist about diff