trackreco / mkFit

Vectorized, Parallelized Tracking
Apache License 2.0
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Add BeamSpot. #363

Closed osschar closed 2 years ago

osschar commented 2 years ago

Please check default values for sigma and beam-width.

Read/Write of BeamSpot for standalone bin files still needs to be implemented.

slava77 commented 2 years ago

I can imagine that the small test I did in trackreco/cmssw#54 is enough to confirm that this can be merged.

Any objections?

osschar commented 2 years ago

Yes, looks good ... mayeb Mario can push his addition to this branch as well?

slava77 commented 2 years ago

Yes, looks good ... mayeb Mario can push his addition to this branch as well?

I think that we can easily decompose to separate PRs.