trackreco / mkFit

Vectorized, Parallelized Tracking
Apache License 2.0
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Fix lower dphi window bound (affecting pixelLess and detachedTriplet) #385

Closed mmasciov closed 2 years ago

mmasciov commented 2 years ago

PR description:

As per title, this fixes a bug in the setting of hit selection dphi windows. Additionally, it adds an upper bound on 1/pT for window parametrization, for both dq and dphi, to avoid that window size explodes if pT<0.1 GeV. These issues seem to only have affected detachedTripletStep and pixelLessStep, in terms of timing. Effects on physics performance are ~ invisible (see below).

PR validation:

TTbar =50:


"Luckily", changes in physics performance are ~ invisible. On the other hand, timing for pixelLessStep and detachedTripletStep appears to be "fixed":

leonardogiannini commented 2 years ago

examples of timing for a few events from /eos/cms/store/user/cmsbuild/profiling/data/CMSSW_12_2_0_pre2/slc7_amd64_gcc900/11834.21/step2.root.unused (for future reference)
