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Aquire macOS application signing key and setup signed gitian builds #22

Open maaku opened 5 years ago

maaku commented 5 years ago

We should acquire a developer signing keys from Apple for the gitian-built official releases of tradecraft and freicoin, and update the gitian build process to incorporate these signatures.

maaku commented 5 years ago

Updated the title since the upstream 0.10 sources don't have signing code for Windows. That came in later releases. This issue will just track the creation of signed macOS releases; a separate issue will be created to track signed Windows binaries for future releases.

maaku commented 5 years ago

It's not essential that this happen for the 10.4 release, but there is still time to get it done. If it is the only thing holding up release, however, it will be pushed to rebase/0.11.

maaku commented 5 years ago

v11 released without this; bumping to v12