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[Hard-Fork] Split scheduled hard-forks into "protocol cleanup" and "size expansion" #85

Closed maaku closed 3 years ago

maaku commented 3 years ago

There was a previously scheduled "protocol cleanup" hard-fork which would have provided a number of navel-gazing fixes to the consensus rules when it activates, in 2022 at the earliest, as well as relaxing the aggregate block and transaction limits. The switch to merge mining, however, presents a unique opportunity to have an accelerated hard-fork schedule. This PR therefore splits the previous hard-fork into two separate rule relaxation events, the non-controversial protocol-cleanup fixes scheduled for some months after the activation of merged mining, and the block size expansion which remains scheduled for 2+ years in the future.

Merge mining is implemented as a soft-fork change to the consensus rules to achieve a safer and less-disruptive deployment than the hard-fork that was used to deploy merge mining to other chains in the past: non-upgraded clients will continue to receive blocks at the point of activation with SPV security. However the security of successive blocks will diminish as the difficulty transitions from native to auxiliary proof-of-work. When the native difficulty reaches minimal values, there will no longer be any effective SPV protections for old nodes, and this represents a unique opportunity to deploy other non-controversial hard-fork changes to the consensus rules.

For this reason, a protocol-cleanup hard-fork is scheduled to take place after the activation of merge mining and the transition of difficulty. As part of this cleanup, the following consensus rule changes will take effect:

  1. Remove the native proof-of-work requirement entirely. For reasons of infrastructure compatibility the block hash will still be the hash of the native header, but the hash of the header will no longer have to meet any threshold target. This makes every winning auxiliary share a valid block without any extra work.

  2. Remove the MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_COST limit. Switching to libsecp256k1 for validation and better signature / script and transaction validation caching has made this limit nearly redundant.

  3. Allow a transaction without transaction outputs. A transaction must have input(s) to have a unique transaction ID, but it need not have outputs. There are obscure cases when this makes sense to do (and thus forward the funds entirely as "fee" to the miner, or to process in the block-final transaction and/or coinbase in some way).

  4. Do not restrict the contents of the "coinbase string" in any way, beyond the required auxiliary proof-of-work commitment. It is currently required to be between 2 and 100 bytes in size, and must begin with the serialized block height. The length restriction is unnecessary as miners have other means of padding transactions if they need to, and are generally incentivized not to because of miner fees. The serialized height requirement is redundant as lock_height is also required to be set to the current block height.

  5. Do not require the coinbase transaction to be final, freeing up nSequence to be used as the miner's extranonce field. A previous soft-fork which required the coinbase's nLockTime field to be set to the medium-time-past value had the unfortunate side effect of requiring nSequence to be set to 0xffffffff since even the coinbase is checked for transaction finality. The concept of finality makes no sense for the coinbase and this requirement is dropped after activation of the new rules, making the 4-byte nSquence field have no consensus-defined meaning, allowing it to be used as an extrnonce field.

  6. Do not require zero-valued outputs to be spent by transactions with lock_height >= the coin's refheight. This restriction is to ensure that refheights are always increasing so that demurrage is collected, not reversed. However this argument doesn't really make sense for zero-valued outputs. At the same time "zero-valued" outputs are increasingly likely to be used for confidential transactions or non-freicoin issued assets using extension outputs, for which the monotonic lock_height requirement is just an annoying protocol complication.

  7. Do not reject "old" blocks after activation of the nVersion=2 and nVersion=3 soft-forks. With the switch to version bits for soft-fork activation, this archaic check is shown to be rather pointless. Rules are enforced in a block if it is downstream of the point of activation, not based on the nVersion value. Implicitly this also restores validity of "negative" block.nVersion values.

  8. Lift restrictions inside the script interpreter on maximum script size, maximum data push, maximum number of elements on the stack, and maximum number of executed opcodes.

  9. Remove checks on disabled opcodes, and cause unrecognized opcodes to "return true" instead of raising an error.

  10. Re-enable (and implement) certain disabled opcodes, and conspicuously missing opcodes which were never there in the first place.

Activation of the protocol-cleanup fork depends on the status of the auxpow soft-fork, and the median-time-past of the tip relative to a consensus parameter.

To achieve desired scaling limits, the forward blocks architecture will eventually trigger a hard-fork modification of the consensus rules, for the primary purpose of dropping enforcement of many aggregate block limits so as to allow larger blocks on the compatibility chain.

This hard-fork will not activate until it is absolutely necessary for it to do so, at the point when real demand for additional shard space in aggregate across all forward block shard-chains exceeds the available space in the compatibility chain. It is anticipated that this will not occur until many, many years into the future, when Freicoin/Tradecraft's usage exceeds even the levels of bitcoin usage ca. 2018. However when it does eventually trigger, any node enforcing the old rules will be left behind.

Since the rule changes for forward blocks have not been written yet and because this flag-day code doesn't know how to detect actual activation, we cannot have older clients enforce the new rules. What is done instead is that any rule which we anticipate changing becomes simply unenforced after this activation time, and aggregate limits are set to the maximum values the software is able to support. After the flag-day, older clients of at least version 13.2.4 will continue to receive blocks, but with only SPV security ("trust the most work") for the new protocol rules. So starting with the release of 13.2.4, activation of forward blocks' new scaling limits becomes a soft-fork, with the only concern being the forking off of older nodes upon activation.

The primary rules which must be altered for forward blocks scaling are:

  1. Significant relaxation of the rules regarding per-block auxiliary difficulty adjustment, to allow adjustments of +/- 2x within eleven blocks, without regard of a target interval. Forward blocks may have a new difficulty adjustment algorithm that has yet to be determined, and might include targeting a variable inter-block time to achieve compatibility chain scalability.

  2. Increase of the maximum block size. Uncapping the block size is not possible because even if the explicit limit is removed there are still implicit network and disk protocol limits that would prevent a client from syncing a chain with larger blocks. But these network and disk limits could be set much higher than the current limits based on a 1 megabyte MAX_BASE_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 megaweight MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT.

  3. Allow larger transactions, up to the new, larger maximum block size limit in size. This is less safe than increasing the block size since most of the nonlinear validation costs are quadratic in transaction size. But there is research to be done in choosing what new limits should be used, and in the mean time keeping transactions only limited by the (new) block size permits flexibility in that future choice.

  4. Reduce coinbase maturity to 1 block. Once forward blocks has activated, coinbase maturity is an unnecessary delay to processing the coinbase payout queue. It must be at least 1 to prevent miners from issuing themselves excess funds for the duration of 1 block.

Since we don't know when forward blocks will be deployed and activated, we schedule these rule changes to occur at the end of the support window for each client release, which is typically 2 years. Each new release pushes back this activation date, and since the new rules are a relaxation of the old rules older clients will remain compatible so long as a majority of miners have upgrade and thereby pushed back their activation dates. When forward blocks is finally deployed and activated, it will schedule its own modified rule relaxation to occur after the most distant flag day.