tradefurniturecompany / google-shopping

An integration between Google Merchant Center and Magento 2
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Setup an automatic integration between Magento and Google Merchant Center #1

Open dmitrii-fediuk opened 4 years ago

dmitrii-fediuk commented 4 years ago

dmitrii-fediuk commented 2 years ago

we are having trouble with our Google shopping feed again. To avoid future issues are you able to provide an auto generating feed at all using an extension to Magento? This would ensure all products are automatically updated in line with sales and would reduce the downtime we’re seeing.

dmitrii-fediuk commented 2 years ago

we would just need you to provide a URL providing for the feed.

dmitrii-fediuk commented 2 years ago

Can you start on the auto feed job now?; Is there scope for your developer to set up an auto-generating feed through Magento? This would ensure all products are automatically updated in line with sales and would reduce the downtime we’re seeing. This can be done with relative ease using a Magento 2 plug in or extension.

dmitrii-fediuk commented 2 years ago

The official Google Shopping module has been removed from Magento 2 since 2020-04-28:

Google Shopping ads Channel was disabled on April 28, 2020.

dmitrii-fediuk commented 2 years ago

Google Merchant Center supports structured data markup:

Use structured data markup on your product landing pages to help Google retrieve up-to-date information about your products and offers directly from your website.

A structured data markup is already generated by the MageWorx_SeoMarkup module:

<script type="application/ld+json">[
        "@context": "http:\/\/",
        "@type": "Product",
        "name": "Light Mango Wood Chunky Nest",
        "description": "",
        "image": "https:\/\/\/media\/catalog\/product\/cache\/d886ca8833eeb774ff64e8bc2b9d10d5\/m\/a\/mango-light-chunky-nest-h9l_compressed_1.jpg",
        "offers": {
            "@type": "http:\/\/\/Offer",
            "price": 129.95,
            "url": "https:\/\/\/mango-light-chunky-nest-1468",
            "priceCurrency": "GBP",
            "availability": "http:\/\/\/InStock"
        "@context": "http:\/\/\/",
        "@type": "WebPage",
        "speakable": {
            "@type": "SpeakableSpecification",
            "cssSelector": [
            "xpath": [