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Abode Camera Streaming configuration best RPi4 performance #2

Open bobbeims opened 5 months ago

bobbeims commented 5 months ago

I've installed Abode Camera Streaming on a Raspberry Pi 4, per the instructions @ I've verified that the components are all operational, and have been able to pull up streams via links access through the http://homeassistant.local:8123/hassio/ingress/bc47d723_abode2rtc UI.

Where I'm having trouble is getting the HASS lovelace card to work reliably. At one point I had all 5 of my cameras working individually, so I built a dashboard for all of them. Here's the code I've used:

- title: Cams path: cams icon: mdi:cctv badges: [] cards: - type: custom:webrtc-camera streams: - type: webrtc url: front_porch title: Front Porch - type: custom:webrtc-camera streams: - type: webrtc url: back_porch title: Back Porch - type: custom:webrtc-camera streams: - type: webrtc url: garage title: Garage - type: custom:webrtc-camera streams: - type: webrtc url: north_side title: North Side - type: custom:webrtc-camera streams: - type: webrtc url: driveway title: Driveway

When I first navigate to the dashboard on a laptop with Firefox, the images show endless spinners: image

If I navigate away from the dashboard and come back, some of the streams will load while others continue spinning: image

Checking the add-on status, it shows that the streams are active: image

One other clue, when I load that dashboard using the HA companion app on my iPad Mini, the videos all load:


Is there something I can do in the static configuration to make the dashboard more reliable?

tradel commented 5 months ago

I think it's very browser dependent. I built a similar dashboard with six cameras. On a desktop browser, I usually get four, sometimes five cameras to load. On iOS, they usually all load after a delay.

I don't think this is a problem with my code or go2rtc as much as it is with browser implementations of WebRTC. But I'd love to hear about any ways to improve reliability.