traderepublic / Cilicon

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Can't run a Cilicon via Gitlab runner (Citadel.SSHClient.CommandFailed error 1.) #55

Open kpolupanova opened 4 days ago

kpolupanova commented 4 days ago

Hi! I've tried to start workin with cilicon and get an error that I can't figure out how to fix. After launc Cilicon i get this error: Configuring GitLab Runner... The operation couldn’t be completed. (Citadel.SSHClient.CommandFailed error 1.)

here is my cilicon.yml

source: oci://
  type: gitlab
    runnerToken: <runner_token>

Could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

Marcocanc commented 3 days ago

Hi @kpolupanova, to rule out potential issues with the gitlab provisioner, could you test with a script type provisioner and just echo "hello world"?

kpolupanova commented 3 days ago

@Marcocanc Thanks for fast answer! With scrip it's goint like this. Is it correct behaviour ? I'm newbe in CI/CD and trying to figure out how to run my pipeline by virtual machine.
Should I create new runner for Cilicon or use existing is fine ? At local machine all works correctly with runner that i use for Cilicon.

Marcocanc commented 3 days ago

The behaviour with script seems to be fine. Unfortunately I personally don't have a gitlab account and can't test with it. I will try to set up an account soon though.

Should I create new runner for Cilicon or use existing is fine ? At local machine all works correctly with runner that i use for Cilicon.

Could you explain this a bit further with more context? Do I understand it correctly, that you are able to spin up a gitlab runner on your local machine with the same runner token you were trying to use in Cilicon?

kpolupanova commented 3 days ago

Could you explain this a bit further with more context? Do I understand it correctly, that you are able to spin up a gitlab runner on your local machine with the same runner token you were trying to use in Cilicon?


Well, I've tried set up Cilicon with new gitlab runner that was't registred at all at Host OS machine, and got the same error, then tried to set up Cilicon with existing runner token that was registred at Host OS machine. So I have same result in each variant and doesn't understand how I need to do it propertly.

And after all, for being sure that i don't have any problem with runner with same token, I checked that runner work correctly at Host OS machine.

janckoch commented 3 days ago

I have the same Problem here. I am trying to connect the cilicon runner to a self-hosted gitlab instance and i end up in an endless loop with the aforementioned error


The cilicon.yml is source: oci:// provisioner: type: gitlab config: gitlabURL: runnerToken:

And the cilicon version is 2.2.2