traderinteractive / mongo-queue-php

PHP message queue using MongoDB as a backend.
MIT License
47 stars 23 forks source link

Moar Examples #7

Open nubs opened 11 years ago

nubs commented 11 years ago

You can never have too many examples, and both the README and our potential webpage for this should be full of them.

tseven commented 10 years ago

I second this. I am having a rough time determining how to use this library.

Examples of when and how to use:


would be great.

yonderblue commented 10 years ago

Yes I agree there are many very interesting message patterns because of the features in this library. I'll put them in as soon as I can.

aleksandrzen commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm going to write an abstract class, which provides you to use priority queues (mongoDb as a data provider), interface will be similar with SplPriorityQueue.