tradingstrategy-ai / web3-ethereum-defi

A Python library for trading automation on DeFi, data research and integration. Supporting Uniswap, Aave, Chainlink, USDC and other protocols.
MIT License
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Most things do not work? #131

Closed LouisVA closed 1 year ago

LouisVA commented 1 year ago


I've tried working with this library but to me seems like most things do not work.

I'll just provide extra information

I am working on Windows 10 Python 3.10.6

Foremost installing this lib is very difficult on Windows. It is using ethash which is the problem. To install this you have to do some manual funky stuff found here: unable to install pyethash · Issue #131 · ethereum/ethash ( for whoever encounters the same.

Then I tried to do this tutorial:

Just scraping the data already fails:

state = JSONFileScanState("/tmp/uniswap-v3-price-scan.json") fetch_events_to_csv(json_rpc_url, state, start_block=start_block, end_block=end_block)

the fetch_events_to_csv fails from the start because it needs the files uniswap-v3-swap.csv uniswap-v3-poolcreated.csv uniswap-v3-burn.csv uniswap-v3-mint.csv

Which I think should be created automatically if not existing. After creating them manually I still had difficulties. The program was not finding them in the /tmp folder which is the default folder according to the API.

It then also failed because it could not find "uniswap-v3-price-scan.json". Initially it at least detected there was no state, then afterwards it failed without state. Then I had to look into the code to actually see what is supposed to be in this file because I can't get the code to run without this state file.

Then I found out that uniswap-v3-price-scan.json just contains the block number...

After doing that, I finally get to scrape data which gets me into the following error:

File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\eth_defi\uniswap_v3\", line 435, in fetch_events_to_csv raise RuntimeError(f"Could not decode {log_result}") from e RuntimeError: Could not decode {'address': '0x1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f984', 'blockHash': '0xe8228e3e736a42c7357d2ce6882a1662c588ce608897dd53c3053bcbefb4309a', 'blockNumber': 12369739, 'data': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003c0000000000000000000000001d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801', 'logIndex': '0x18', 'removed': False, 'topics': ['0x783cca1c0412dd0d695e784568c96da2e9c22ff989357a2e8b1d9b2b4e6b7118', '0x0000000000000000000000001f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984', '0x000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2', '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000bb8'], 'transactionHash': '0x37d8f4b1b371fde9e4b1942588d16a1cbf424b7c66e731ec915aca785ca2efcf', 'transactionIndex': '0x21', 'context': < object at 0x000001DBE157D9F0>, 'event': <class 'web3._utils.datatypes.PoolCreated'>, 'chunk_id': 12369721, 'timestamp': 1620157956}

miohtama commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your report.

We do not currently support Microsoft Windows.

If you want to use the library we recommend using through Windows Subsystem for Linux.