tradingview / charting-library-tutorial

This tutorial explains step by step how to connect your data to the Charting Library
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not show complate data in timeframe 30 min #62

Open usdhunter opened 2 years ago

usdhunter commented 2 years ago the complete data comes from the api, but does not display the complete on the chart, but it is correct on other timeframes. What is the problem?

usdhunter commented 2 years ago

my ip for data datafeed code var data=""; if (resolution === '1D') data = await makeApiRequest(data/histoday?${query}); else if (resolution >= 60 ) data = await makeApiRequest(data/histohour?${query}); else data = await makeApiRequest(data/histominute?${query}); // console.log('data',data); if (data.Response && data.Response === 'Error' || data.Data.length === 0) { // "noData" should be set if there is no data in the requested period. onHistoryCallback([], { noData: true, }); return; } let bars = []; data.Data.forEach(bar => { if (bar.time >= from && bar.time < to) { bars = [...bars, { time: bar.time * 1000, low: bar.low, high: bar.high, open:, close: bar.close, }]; } }); if (firstDataRequest) { lastBarsCache.set(symbolInfo.full_name, { ...bars[bars.length - 1], }); }