tradle / tim

mobile and web app that talks to Tradle backend infrastructure and the blockchain. Tim stands for Trust in Motion
GNU General Public License v3.0
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URL-based navigation, step one (deep links extended) #31

Open urbien opened 2 years ago

urbien commented 2 years ago


it is impossible to share a link in Tradle app, except some predefined deep links #29

This is needed to get a trouble report from a client, to share between co-workers, to provide support to clients, to report an issue to developers. Obviously navigation on mobiles does not use URLs, but navigation on the web does.


The final solution would be to implement full URL-based navigation. But meanwhile, let's use the following workarounds:

Then add an item to the Menu: copy link to current page

Note that this approach is minimalist, but will do a job for many cases for now. If you have any other suggestion for the deep links, please share