traefik / traefik

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Traefik V3 break on TCP Routers filter #10745

Open DylanBC opened 1 month ago

DylanBC commented 1 month ago


What did you do?

I migrated traefik on my test environment in version 3.0.0 . After that I was looking for a certain TCP router rule on the dashboard and to perform the action I used the filter. Just after applying my filter, the page started to bug.

what I mean by bugging it's simple. I was on TCP / TCP Routers and I started listing all the status regarding the tcp router. But as soon that I use the search button. The dashboard started to flicker between my filter result and all the status result.

To reproduce the issue you need to have a traefik in version 3.0.0 and go on TCP / TCP Routers and use the search bar. image image

For Information I check with an older version to see if the issue occur and it's not the case. So that confirm that it comes from the new version.

After further investigation with my teamate. I notice that the problem occur on many scenario which are the following :

Which mean that the dashboard keep the result of your first research with the result of your last research and doesn't know which one to display. Maybe a javascript issue.

What did you see instead?

So, instead of being able to display the list of TCP router regarding the service expose by traefik . I saw the list of TCP routers switch from the full list of TCP router and the list filter of TCP router every second. Impossible to scroll down the page without reloading.

What version of Traefik are you using?

traefik version 3.0.0

What is your environment & configuration?

# traefik lbs.toml
# Global configuration

  checkNewVersion = false
  sendAnonymousUsage = false

  insecureSkipVerify = true

# Traefik lbs logs file
  level = "ERROR"
  filePath = "/var/log/traefik.log"
  format = "json"

# Access logs file
  filePath = '/var/log/traefik-access.log'
  format = "json"

    buckets = [0.1,0.3,1.2,5.0]
    entryPoint = "metrics"
    addEntryPointsLabels = true
    addRoutersLabels = true
    addServicesLabels = false

# Entrypoints definition
    address = ':80'
    # To redirect an http entrypoint to an https entrypoint (with SNI support):
    to = "websecure"
    scheme = "https"
    address = ':443'
    address = ':****'
    address = ":****"


  dashboard = true

  refreshInterval = "15s"
  exposedByDefault = false
  prefix = '<%= @prefix %>'
  constraints = "!TagRegex(`http`)"
    address = "*.*.*.*:****"
    insecureSkipVerify = true

### If applicable, please paste the log output in DEBUG level

_No response_
rtribotte commented 1 month ago

Hello @DylanBC,

Thanks for reporting this!

If any community member can help us to fix the issue, we would love the help!

thardy commented 2 days ago

I'm using Traefik for the first time. Trying to get it working locally - no luck yet. I'm seeing flickering on the routers as well...


It spends about 3 seconds on the above, empty results, then about one second on the below results...


It constantly rotates between the two.