trafficonese / leaflet.extras

Extra functionality for leaflet R package.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: support for CRS Tiles and fitBounds for non-geographical #142

Closed jamesdalg closed 6 years ago

jamesdalg commented 6 years ago

I've been working for a while to get leaflet to work with CRS coordinates. If there could be some way of doing this that works, perhaps with a new function that overrides hardcoded functions (, to correctly set bounds in a nongeographical way, you would open up leaflet to so many users who want to use leaflet plugins like zoomify, deepzoom, gdal2tiles-leaflet, etc. see Currently R lacks this functionality and it would allow anyone who wanted to display a large image (e.g. microscopy, huge plots for big data) to do so.

bhaskarvk commented 6 years ago

Added my comments in the cross posted issue. Closing this one.