trafficonese / leaflet.extras

Extra functionality for leaflet R package.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Temporal Viz support #34

Closed bhaskarvk closed 5 months ago

bhaskarvk commented 7 years ago

Currently these are the options to visualize spatiotemporal data.

My vote goes to Timeline as it's very easy to implement. But I am willing to listen to arguments for others, especially TImeDimension.

cc @tim-salabim @jcheng5 @mdsumner

tim-salabim commented 7 years ago

from my point of view I am happy with whatever plugin is able to work with native R spatial objects, i.e. sp, sf, raster. Though from what I gather, these plugins really only work with GeoJSON and WMS served rasters correct? If that is the case, then I am not too fussed as we can transform to GeoJSON before rendering even if that adds another layer of overhead. Regarding rasters, we need to come up with a good solution for local rasters as this is what most people work with in my opinion. However, I'd be interested to hear other peoples opinions as I am not working at all with proper space-time data. @edzer would be nice to hear your thoughts on this.

johnpauls commented 7 years ago

Being able to work with local rasters would be very nice - there is lots of climate and land use data I would like to display in this manner.

WillCHL commented 6 years ago

Support for files like GeoJSON or R spatial object would also be my priority over WMS-T. I saw the 'R + leaflet + Time Dimension Plugin' youtube video which looks really nice. Anyway an up vote for this implementation, I'm hoping to use it in a Shiny App.

trafficonese commented 5 months ago

There are a number of time-related plugins available for R:

leaftime offers Timeline

leaflet.extras2 offers Playback, MovingMarker, LeafletSlider

TimeseriesMap - Creates a timeseries leaflet map that displays point location time series data and allows playback with a slider and "Play" button.

I will have a closer look at TimeDimension and consider whether I can/should integrate it.

Feel free to reopen the issue if you're missing some functionality.