Selecting a timespan and pressing delete or backspace will delete it.
Pressing escape will unselect.
Pressing escape after creating a new timespan will delete the newly created timespan until it or another timespan has been selected. Side note: I think it would be preferred to set newly created timespans as selected and open the popper menu for tagging and whatnot and this side case would no longer be necessary as just pressing delete and backspace / the trash icon would feel more natural. But... I can't figure out how to get that to work and without it, this feels pretty good.
Added hotkeys for deleting timespans.
Selecting a timespan and pressing delete or backspace will delete it. Pressing escape will unselect.
Pressing escape after creating a new timespan will delete the newly created timespan until it or another timespan has been selected. Side note: I think it would be preferred to set newly created timespans as selected and open the popper menu for tagging and whatnot and this side case would no longer be necessary as just pressing delete and backspace / the trash icon would feel more natural. But... I can't figure out how to get that to work and without it, this feels pretty good.