trailblazer / cells

View components for Ruby and Rails.
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Question: How to mock (or expect) message calls for helpers in cells? #264

Closed berkes closed 9 years ago

berkes commented 9 years ago

In rails view tests with rspec, one can do:

allow(view).to receive(:current_actor).and_return double(:current_actor, user: @user)
expect(view).to receive(:icon).with('user', :dark)

In order to stub out "external" helpers. It also allows setting expecations on such helpers to see that the view calls them correctly. This is especially helpfull for helpers that have a complex state.

I a cell, I don't know what to set such expectations on. Is this even possible?

I've submitted this to stackoverflow too.

apotonick commented 9 years ago

Can you give me some more details on those "external helpers"? Is that to test if methods are called properly? Theoretically, you can do that as follows.

cell = cell(:song, song)
expect(cell).to_receive ..

Remember, every helper is just an instance method call on the cell instance. Does that help?

berkes commented 9 years ago

I should have mentioned this is cells3 with a "controller" type cell:


def chart(params)
  @analysis_chart = params[:analysis_chart]

app/cells/analysis/chart.html.slim (I've extensively tested with erb too, slim or ERB hardly seems to matter for this question)

= indicator_chart_tag(@analysis_chart.charts)


describe 'rendering a chart' do
  let(:chart) { double(:chart) }
  let(:analysis_chart) { double(:analysis_graph, charts: [chart]) }

  it 'renders a chart using the indicator_chart_tag helper' do
    expect(view).to receive(:indicator_chart_tag).with([chart])
    render_cell(:analysis, :chart, analysis_chart: analysis_chart)

Here's what I tried, already (from memory):

describe AnalysisCell, type: :cell do
   include ActionView::TestCase::Behavior
     expect(_view).to receive(:indicator_chart_tag)
     expect_any_istance_of(AnalysisCell).to receive(:indicator_chart_tag)
     expect_any_istance_of(ActionView::Basic).to receive(:indicator_chart_tag)

It looks like the way render_cell works, does not allow stubbing at all, but I don't fully understand it, and think (hope) I am overlooking an important piece.

Edit: Yes, since this is a (way too) complex helper, for now, we only want to test that this helper is called with the proper arguments. Not that it renders the correct charts.

apotonick commented 9 years ago

Ah, ok. cells3... Hmm... do this.

cell = cell(:song)
cell.mocking_sucks! # do your mocking here ;)
cell.render_state(:show, song, volume: 9).must_match ...
apotonick commented 9 years ago

Closing this, as this works with rspec-cells 0.3.