trailblazer / cells

View components for Ruby and Rails.
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Cell code not reloading with Rails 5 beta #384

Closed darkhelmet closed 6 years ago

darkhelmet commented 8 years ago

I'm trying out cells with a new Rails 5.0.0.beta3 app, and my *_cell.rb files aren't reloading. Is there something broken? Am I just doing something wrong?

I'm using the github branch at 43083e37bedf5ee9f00c2b2f1636486f0bbbee9d

  remote: git://
  revision: 43083e37bedf5ee9f00c2b2f1636486f0bbbee9d
    cells (4.1.0)
      tilt (>= 1.4, < 3)
      uber (~> 0.0.9)

Things are in the eager_load_paths as expected:

[8] pry(main)> Rails.application.config.eager_load_paths
=> ["/app/app/assets", "/app/app/cells", "/app/app/controllers", "/app/app/controllers/concerns", "/app/app/helpers", "/app/app/jobs", "/app/app/mailers", "/app/app/models", "/app/app/models/concerns", "/app/app/policies"]

I'll change something simple like adding a new property to the cell, refresh, and nothing exciting happens. The cell is not reloaded. Restarting the application picks up the changes.

timoschilling commented 8 years ago

can you test it with this branch?

gem 'cells', github: 'timoschilling/cells', branch: 'improve-development-reloading'
darkhelmet commented 8 years ago

That works, though it's missing this commit:

It also takes a while to detect changes. With the code from this repo, template changes are picked up instantly and *_cell.rb changes aren't picked up at all. Using your branch, changes in both are picked up, but it takes numerous requests to get the new code.

I am using a vagrant/docker setup to develop, which means NFS is involved, but again, template changes would happen instantly with this repo. Weird.