trailblazer / cells

View components for Ruby and Rails.
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Template Missing ... again! #462

Closed sath01 closed 6 years ago

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for repeating an issue, but I've wrapped my (rather small) mind around a pole trying to find a solution, and I would really like to use Trailblazer Cells.

It's the old "Template Missing" issue again. Just a reminder - the error is ... Template missing: view:index.hamlprefixes: ["app/concepts/user/view"]

I have both index.haml and index.html.haml in app/concepts/user/view, but still gives me the error.

I have back-traced and I think it's the line ... template_for(prefixes, view, template_options) or raise, view) in find_template - cells (4.1.7) lib/cell/view_model.rb

The template is there, but the 'template_for' isn't resulting in any output, which triggers the raise. The files are definitely haml files.

I also github cloned and tested the Trailblazer test app, and it gave the same error.

Here is my gem setup ... rails (5.1.4) cells (4.1.7) cells-haml (0.0.10) cells-rails (0.0.6) reform-rails (0.1.7) trailblazer-rails (1.0.4) haml-rails (1.0.0)

Thanks (in advance) for the help, and thanks for creating the trailblazer philosophy and code. It's exactly what rails needs.


apotonick commented 6 years ago

Hi Steve,

what's your cell's class name (full constant path, please)? Maybe paste the entire cell class file here, along with where it's stored.

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Hey Nick - thanks for the quick response.

Cell is:

module User::Cell
  class Index < Trailblazer::Cell
    def no_items
      return "No Users" if model.size == 0

And lives in: app/concepts/user/cell/index.rb Hope that's what you wanted to know.

apotonick commented 6 years ago

Yepp, looks correct, and now, show me how you invoke that cell.

sath01 commented 6 years ago

From the UsersController ...

def index
    run User::Index
    render cell(User::Cell::Index, result["model"]), layout: false

I have tried different layout options as well.

result["model"] is ...

#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<User id: 1, email: "", other_attributes_here>]>

There is only one user at the moment.

apotonick commented 6 years ago

So where does the view template name come from? :thinking: Because User::Cell::Index, being a TRB::Cell, will try to render app/concepts/user/view/index.haml per default.

It must be a problem in that view, can you paste it?

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Yep, view template is in: app/concepts/user/view/index.haml and is standard haml ...

- @title = "Listing Users"

- content_for :description do
  %p Users registered on this site.

- content_for :actions do
  = action_page_header new_user_path, 'Add User', 'plus'

              %th Email
            etc ...
apotonick commented 6 years ago

Ok, so first of all, setting @instance variables is a no-go. That's just so wrong. Second, content_for is not supported in Cells, because it breaks with the idea of encapsulation.

What happens when you just say "hello!" in that template?

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Fair enough.

Changed index.haml to:

- %h1 Hello World

Same error.

apotonick commented 6 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is - %h1 ... valid HAML?

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Oops. Your quite right - slip of the keyboard. Changed the template to ...

%h1 Hello World

Same issue.

sath01 commented 6 years ago

As I said, I also cloned your own sample app, bundled with a fresh install and got the same error, with your templates. Seems to be more than the haml template structure or location?

Just not sure why I'm the only one getting it.

apotonick commented 6 years ago

Hi! Which app did you clone?

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Hi Nick,

It was:

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Hey Nick. Any thoughts for me on this error. I'd love to use cells, but I guess I can just use normal rails renderer.

apotonick commented 6 years ago

The example app works for me, just checked. Is it maybe that the example app is using Slim while you're trying to use Haml? Have you tried with .slim?

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Will give it a go.


apotonick commented 6 years ago

If you want to use Haml, remove cells-slim from the Gemfile and replace with cells-haml ( Don't worry, we'll get you on da cells.

sath01 commented 6 years ago

Yep, have done that. As per previous comment ...

Here is my gem setup ... rails (5.1.4) cells (4.1.7) cells-haml (0.0.10) cells-rails (0.0.6) reform-rails (0.1.7) trailblazer-rails (1.0.4) haml-rails (1.0.0)

I might try slim and hamlit as well - see if they make a difference. I'll let you know.

sath01 commented 6 years ago


Updated to the latest gems, and all seems to be ok now.

trailblazer-rails 1.0.5 (was 1.0.4) dry-core 0.4.3 (was 0.4.2) cells-rails 0.0.8 (was 0.0.6)

Even HAML is working. Thanks for your help with this.



apotonick commented 6 years ago


Bahanix commented 5 years ago

Hi people! I encountered the same issue with Cells (Template missing: view: * prefixes: *) and my search engine brought me there. I just had to rm -rf tmp/cache/ to fix the issue. Have a nice day!