trailblazer / cells

View components for Ruby and Rails.
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should default to file_name.html.erb or .haml #480

Open JohnSmall opened 5 years ago

JohnSmall commented 5 years ago

I see that someone else has had problems with Cells 4.x not following the standard conventions for naming templates. #460 But the solution is opaque .

We have a large project with a lot of .html.erb templates and _.html.erb partials which worked with cells 3.x and don't work with cells 4.x . I don't want to go through renaming them because it's an unnecessary pain.

Is there some reason why this change was made, and not documented in the upgrade guide?

If I forked the project, made a PR to correct this issue would it be accepted or is there some deep reason why the standard naming convention isn't being followed?

seuros commented 5 years ago

I believe that a Rails convention, so the patch should be in

Ping me on the PR when you have it.