trailblazer / reform

Form objects decoupled from models.
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Optional properties are treated as required #390

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I was using Reform 2.2.1 until I needed to validate the presence of date_time fields. Didn't work. Found out my problem was covered by issue #380. Consequently, I updated my Gemfile to fetch this repo's master branch, as a temporary fix (August, 5, 2016). Now it works fine, but all optional(<property_name>).filled(...) statements in my code base are treated as if they were required(...).filled(...) statements.


optional(:gender).filled(included_in?: %w(male female))


        {:gender=>["must be filled", "must be one of: male, female"]}
fran-worley commented 8 years ago

In Reform if a property is defined the key will always be present due to the way we pass params to dry-validation.

Can you provide some background to your use case?

Due to the way reform works with dry it's not an easy fix and I was wondering if there is an alternative I can suggest.

ghost commented 8 years ago

My use case is fairly standard I suppose. Here is how it goes :

In my case, I want the : birthdate key to be optional, but if it is is present, then its value must not be nil, and, furthermore, it must be a date_time. Namely:


From dry-validation documentation:

Optional Keys and Values We make a clear distinction between specifying an optional key and an optional value. This gives you a way of being very specific about validation rules. You can define a schema which can give you precise errors when a key was missing or key was present but the value was nil.

Let's observe the difference between dry-validation and reform:

require 'dry-validation'
require 'reform'
require 'reform/form/dry'

puts "\n\n--- With first Dry::Validation::Schema ---"
schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do

errors = '').messages
puts errors.inspect
# => {}

errors = '', age: 32).messages
puts errors.inspect
# => {}

errors = '', age: nil).messages
puts errors.inspect
# => {:age=>["must be filled"]}
# Conclusion : exactly what I expected. Nice !

puts "\n\n--- With second Dry::Validation::Schema ---"
schema = Dry::Validation.Schema do

errors = '').messages
puts errors.inspect
# => {}

errors = '', birthdate:
puts errors.inspect
# => {}

errors = '', birthdate: nil).messages
puts errors.inspect
# => {:birthdate=>["must be filled"]}
# Conclusion : exactly what I expected. Nice !

puts "\n\n--- With a Reform::Form ---"
class FormA < Reform::Form
  feature Reform::Form::Dry

  property :email
  property :birthdate

  validation do

form = nil, birthdate: nil))
form.validate(email: '')
puts form.errors
# reform 2.2.1  => {}
# github/master => {:birthdate=>["must be filled"]}

form = nil, birthdate: nil))
form.validate(email: '', birthdate:
puts form.errors
# reform 2.2.1  => {}
# github/master => {}

form = nil, birthdate: nil))
form.validate(email: '', birthdate: nil)
puts form.errors
# reform 2.2.1  => {}
# github/master => {:birthdate=>["must be filled"]}

My two cents:

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

Hi @TristeFigure, thanks for coming back to me.

On your two cents:

Now back to the issue at hand. There is a wider discussion to be had here on whether we are solely validating input or the object in its entirety. Take this example:

Your object has a birthdate of '' (empty string) or some other value. Your json input doesn't include the birthdate key. Should the Reform instance be valid because birthdate wasn't included in the original input and you've used optional or invalid because the object already has a value which is invalid?

randomizor commented 8 years ago

I found this to be an issue for myself as well. I understand the problem, but setting something as optional and then finding it's actually "required" is a bit of a subversion of expectation, especially since the other version of reform seem to handle this scenario.

If things were to stay the current way you are describing (with the form object being passed to the validation), is there even a use case for the optional method?

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

The way things are there is no use for an optional method. It's a method provided by dry-validation and not reform.

What we need to do is agree what the correct handling should be and that's something which should be discussed and agreed upon as it could lead to unexpected behaviour for others (see the example I described).

@apotonick do you have any thoughts here? Is validating just the input keys likely to cause confusion for others? Could we make it configurable (i.e. have an optional property setting which only includes the key if it was included in the input or it has a value)

apotonick commented 8 years ago

Is the problem that gender is nil on the form but is yet passed to the dry-validation schema because we don't know (yet) whether or not it has been modified?

If yes, we could check and only include changed values in the dry-v hash. Would that fix it?

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

Hi @apotonick. It's not that it's nil. The key doesn't exist in the input hash at all, but it is passed to dry as the property is defined on the form and we use an equivalent of 'form.to_nested_hash'. Optional(:key) in dry essentially means the key is optional but if present, run the validations. That's why we get the unexpected messages.

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

sorry to hijack this issue, but I think the conceptual issue/mismatch with dry-validation is not limited to 'optional' keyword, but also with the 'required' keyword:

Imagine a JSON API with following input data :

   {"first_key": "blabla","third_key":"hahaha"}

And using the following contract with dry-validation scheme

 class MyContract < Reform::Form
     feature Reform::Form::Dry

     property :first_key
     property :second_key
     property :third_key

     validation :default do

And API Operation

    class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
     require 'ostruct'

       contract MyContract

       def model  # Note: same issue applies when using an ActiceRecord  model

       def process(params)
         validate(params) do

Then I would expect

  Create.({"first_key" =>  "blabla","third_key" => "hahaha"})

To raise a validation error on missing second_key

However this is not the case, since the contract will always have all keys available.

It does work when I rewrite my validation as required(:second_key).filled

But that is not the same validation + one of the ideas behind dry-validation to make a difference between missing key and missing value...

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

@pvmeerbe As we spoke about today what you're describing is actually an issue with dry see

randomizor commented 8 years ago

Has there been any headway made on this? The currently handling doesn't seem to fit with what one would expect from reading the dry-validation docs, which is fine, except that Reform specifically notes that dry validation is what is being used. If Reform was simply wrapping dry validation in it's own unique DSL I would think it would prove less troublesome, but would also be more work to maintain.

Here's the issue with the implementation in this release from using it with an API.

Let's say I have a User object:

class User < Disposable::Twin
  property :id
  property :name
  property :status

Now every time an API user wants to update a user, I want them to provide the status (because I'm weird), so I write my form:

class UpdateForm < Reform::Form
  feature Reform::Form::Dry

  property :name
  property :status

  validation :default do

Their request looks like follows:

{"id": 1, name: "Test"}

(I use the ID to get the object to pass through to the form)

Now I would expect this to fail, however, if the user already has a status, this will pass, correct?

What I almost need is to be able to do something like so:

class UpdateForm < Reform::Form
  feature Reform::Form::Dry

  property :name
  property :status

  validation :default, context: :object do

  validation :default, context: :params do
fran-worley commented 8 years ago

@randomizor we've not made any progress on this because of the implications. What we need to do is something like you say where you can configure the scope/context of what dry validates. It will default to the complete object, but if you specify that you just want to validate the input then we will strip out keys which were included in your input.

So in your case you would be able to do something like:

validation do # validates the entire object

 validation(context: :input) do # only validate keys actually passed into the method
randomizor commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley Yeah that sounds perfect!

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley idd. Using

required(:second_key) { none? |  array? }

instead of


works fine, I get :

 Create.({"first_key" =>  "blabla","third_key" => "hahaha"})
  --> {:second_key=>["is missing"]

However, when the second key was already set/loaded from the reform model it still doesn't behave as expected (i.e. no validation error if required key was not provided) as the validation is done after merging params with values from model : see, more specifically the line => 'value_set_by_reform_model')

This is in fact the same issue as @randomizor described above with the 'status' value loaded from the model behind the reform

So the proposed solution with the validation 'context' would also solve this issue.

I've currently solved my problem using a prevalidator as suggested by @ZimbiX on gitter :

The idea is the same, but your suggested implementation seems better/more clear

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley could it be that in contrast to what you mentioned in, keys are not always automatically present when defined as a property? It seems they are not added when a nil value was provided in the params and no value was available from the underlying model.

I've written some rspec tests comparing dry-validation with reform + dry-validation behavior for the "required" keyword as I didn't understand the behavior of reform (see

Apparently the 'to_nested_hash' call on Reform removes the keys with nil value, hence dry-validation never gets it ( FYI I'm using dry-validation 0.9.5).

  ...., errors, self)

This results in the confusing/wrong error message on the key "is missing" instead of value "must be filled" (while dry-validation as stand-alone handles this case correctly).

Due to the same issue a weird "optional key" scenario is also present: In this case one would assume Reform would raise an invalid error on

 "{:serial_number=>["must be filled", "must be greater than 0"]}"

This doesn't happen since the serial_number key is never provided to dry-validation as its value was nil. (while dry-validation as stand-alone handles this case correctly).

So it seems there are a number of confusing differences when using dry-validation as stand-alone or within Reform. So far I've seen 2 root causes:

randomizor commented 8 years ago

The first root cause would be fix with the context functionality described above..

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

@pvmeerbe your point about nil values is actually bug which is filed under a seperate issue. And may have already been fixed in disposable.

Currently you cannot use optional from dry-v in reform as it will just treat it as required. We will include an option to enable param only validation to 2.3.0 but this wil start as an experimental feature whilst we consider whether there are deeper implications.

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley I guess you mean & which is still open.

Not sure whether it is the same issue as it talks about syncing twin values to underlying models.

In this case we are converting a reform instance using 'to_nested_hash' which does use the Disposable::Twin::Sync::ToNestedHash module. Perhaps the same code is used for both purposes...

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

First draft of params context included in

Feedback would be great, then I can tick this off the list and we'll be one step closer to release.

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

FYI regarding nil values not forwarded to dry-v as mentioned in previous comment: this is idd fixed in disposable 4.0.0 (seen after using the new git tree from @fran-worley )

blelump commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley ,

adding the context option is probably the best solution for 2.3 and since dry-v grows in popularity, it seems it is essential to have such feature in Reform. Good job!

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley perhaps the new context option can also be added to the dry-validation config block, similar to the form option :

This way people may use it for example in custom predicates

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

I won't add it in by default as you can access the params via the form object, or use dry-v's high level rule feature to access other params.

pvmeerbe commented 8 years ago

@fran-worley that makes sense... thanks for all the work on dry-validation integration. it's much appreciated ;)

fran-worley commented 8 years ago

I'm going to close this as it's now in #388